This video is great to watch for the swallow tail kite flying above Bill (which is a wonderful sign! )… and his fabulous accent .. especially when he says `Exposez’ ☺.. which , I feel, is a great word for what many are doing in exposing the truth … or what David Icke calls the `truth vibrations’ … as well as what Bill Ballard actually has to say too which is very interesting particularly, I feel, what he has to say about `family’ … and also what he has to say about the current energies as what he says is how I felt yesterday when I was out and heard the words … `we’re doing this.’
The kite totem meaning:
Kites (Swallow-Tailed)
Kites are one of the most graceful at flying and will teach how to do the same. She will show how to maximize results with little or no effort. Observe carefully what is around you as resources will appear. She will help make decisions by illuminating what is black and white along with the polarities you may be experiencing. She will enhance this clarity. Kite will bring about truths and wisdom while keeping the watery emotions in balance. She will teach how to skim the surface of knowledge to collect what you need for the moment. Kite teaches the art of maneuverability and finesse to reach goals and feeding the spirit and your life with much needed nourishment. She will show how to view life from a higher perspective. Watch and listen what Kite is saying and doing for more insight. It will take about 28 days for lessons to be learned and about 10 additional days for incorporation of wisdom to take place.
A really great video from Bill Ballard – Thank you!
Bill Ballard , 3rd May , 2013
by Eileen
- oops … apologies for the date I posted earlier ☺ the American date thing kind of threw me a wee bit there … this video is dated 5/3 … which is 3/5 in our language … it is one of those tomAto … tom-ar-to things
This video is great to watch for the swallow tail kite flying above Bill (which is a wonderful sign! )… and his fabulous accent .. especially when he says `Exposez’ ☺.. which , I feel, is a great word for what many are doing in exposing the truth … or what David Icke calls the `truth vibrations’ … as well as what Bill Ballard actually has to say too which is very interesting particularly, I feel, what he has to say about `family’ … and also what he has to say about the current energies as what he says is how I felt yesterday when I was out and heard the words … `we’re doing this.’
The kite totem meaning:
Kites (Swallow-Tailed)
Kites are one of the most graceful at flying and will teach how to do the same. She will show how to maximize results with little or no effort. Observe carefully what is around you as resources will appear. She will help make decisions by illuminating what is black and white along with the polarities you may be experiencing. She will enhance this clarity. Kite will bring about truths and wisdom while keeping the watery emotions in balance. She will teach how to skim the surface of knowledge to collect what you need for the moment. Kite teaches the art of maneuverability and finesse to reach goals and feeding the spirit and your life with much needed nourishment. She will show how to view life from a higher perspective. Watch and listen what Kite is saying and doing for more insight. It will take about 28 days for lessons to be learned and about 10 additional days for incorporation of wisdom to take place.
A really great video from Bill Ballard – Thank you!
Published on May 3, 2013
Wasn’t April’s Energies Fun??? NOT.. haha! WE just went through some MAJOR clearing of old energies, memories, Karma and crapola to clear from this planet… With that we have entered a much more refined and higher vibrational frequency for all to experience who wish for that experience…
It takes the clearing to allow for Higher Light and Dimensional Vibrations to be experienced on Earth… The GateKeepers have been guided to their missions all over planet for this transformation, transfiguration and resurrection of Mother Earth and Ascending Humanity… Sometimes those energies we feel while doing that is not so fun because of the extreme higher LIGHT as well as the lower vibes that must be transmuted.
Sandra Walter did a wonderful video on this she published this morning. Here is the link so I won’t have to repeat the same messages that so many of us are getting at this time…
Thank you to ALL Gatekeepers and Lightworker Light Warriors around planet who are consciously working on the Awakening and Ascension of Mother Earth and Humanity!