pleiadedolphininfos April 7, 2013
Repost from May 2012
Dear Ones,
Today we are going to discuss the tools that you can use for Ascension. I am going to give you a powerful tool in the form of my beautiful and extremely powerful Violet Flame.
First and foremost : it is of utmost importance to always establish a strong connection before you begin the process of channeling or the method known as Tauk. I suggest you use the tool you received from Archangel Michael as given in a channeling by Ron Head. This tool implies a powerful way to always be protected and thanks to this tool you can avoid any unwanted interference. After establishing this protection you can use my Violet Flame to cleanse and to empower yourself. Just visualize the room in which you stand as well as yourself completely immersed in this mighty Violet Flame and cleanse all of your fields, all your lower bodies and all your chakra’s with this Violet Flame.
Cleanse your chakra’s one by one and state :”I declare that I AM the Almighty Violet Flame of Saint Germain. I AM, I AM, I AM. I AM Divine and imperturbable. I AM the omnipotent Master of myself and I decree that I Ascend and become my Ascended Master Self. I AM, I AM, I AM Divine Love, existing as pure and unconditional Love. I AM, I AM, I AM the almighty Master of Light and Love of my Self. Beam through me almighty Violet Flame for I AM the Violet Flame of Perfection and Purity. I AM, I AM, I AM the completion of myself in all Love and Purity. I AM, I AM, I AM All That Is.”
This is a tool you can use during the cleansing of all your fields and chakra’s. You can use this each time you meditate or even when you go to work. It helps to increase your vibration and to keep your being clear of all lower energies which bombard you in your daily life. The Violet Flame is a most powerful tool to be used in all situations as are all the other colors which are each known for their use. So use my Violet Flame as often as you wish for it is yours also. Call me and my Violet Flame every time you are in need of cleansing and empowerment, I will be by your side.
It is my wish to be of service and I love you all. I am powerful in my services which will become obvious as my Violet Flame is very powerful too. We will always be at your service in times of need. That being said I look out for our next meeting as our mutual connections grow stronger each time.
Namaste. I AM Saint Germain.
P.s: this is especially a good tool for souls who are starting to awaken.
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Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 11:23 PM