Sandra Walter ~Journey Of Light : Sedona Update

Lia's picture


Week three of this Journey of Light brought a strong connection to my interdimensional, multidimensional Self. I AM very blessed to be one of those lucky people who was shown my expressions up through the higher dimensions. That was a small percentage of my Self, and I AM enjoying getting to know the true me as this journey unfolds.

Admittedly I AM feeling fatigued from all of the energy work, travel, and adjustments to different climates/habitats/community energies. The service is key, and apparently related to the upcoming Wesak Full Moon and alignments in May, connecting Shasta, Sedona and many grid systems. We can prepare for this by doing the work, clearing our subconscious baggage and ignoring any nonsensical distractions.

In this video I discuss the work, the galactic self, the effects of interdimensional amplifications and the goal of our April/May workload: ACCELERATION of the Shift to Unity Consciousness, Unconditional Love and Source Light Intelligence. More videos later this week covering multidimensional awareness, timeline play, clearing and a whole lot more.

