Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse - from darkness to Light by Gaia Earth Star

Gaia Earth Star's picture

Gaia Earth Star shares her insights on the Scorpio Solar Eclipse on October 23rd at 2:57pm PST. This eclipse will be conjunct the Goddess of Love, Venus. There is light my dear Ones and it is within. Something is stirring deep inside of us and I invite you to let it come to the surface, watch it, breathe into it and let your Soul play its alchemical magic. It will be empowering, healing and liberating. Beyond pain and suffering is unconditional love. This is the vibration of your Soul and where we are ascending my Dear Ones… Commit to your inner work, be your own Master and rise from the ashes of the past, rebirthing as a beacon of light, assisting those who still need to cross the wall prison of the 3D illusion of separation. As One we serve the One Heart…

As Venus will be conjunct that powerful Scorpio Eclipse, I will be doing the “Pleiadian Venus Rose Heart Stargate: Activating the Cosmic Human Heart” meditation on the day of the eclipse. Join me and others lightworkers, download the meditation here

Pleiadian Guided Meditations for Ascension channeled by Gaia Earth Star
