The Sea Maiden. “A World Of Faerie, Elves And Merfolk. Dare To Believe.” By, AuroRa Le. June 24, 2012

Lia's picture

The Sea Maiden. “A World Of Faerie, Elves And Merfolk. Dare To Believe.” By, AuroRa Le. June 24, 2012.

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June 24, 2012

by theangeldiaries

♥ I greet you with love, AuroRa, as I warmly welcome all souls on planet who wish to hear my words of hope and love.  I am Moreanna, of the Higher Water Realms, and I am so pleased to connect with you on this day of your transition.  Welcome.  At this time I shall speak to you of humankind’s emerging awareness of those who you most commonly refer to as “creatures of legend and myth.”  Take note that in truth, there is very little that is “myth” at all-more likely a long history of negative distortion and denial, all bred from the fears and desires of a few.  Their rapacious need to control, suppress and dominate everyone in their path has deprived of so much.  Instead of preferring to dwell in harmony, they chose instead to manipulate the truth of who we are, and recreated us to be frightful beings of predatory nature.  The characters of nightmares, or of a greedy, weak or grasping nature.  In the case of the Dragon, this gentle warrior was painted as the desecrator of the land and the killer of men.  When in truth, they are loving and protective of the people,  so happy to defend and assist mankind.  Many cultures kept alive the stories of our Realms, passing them on throughout the generations.  Books were written, pretty tales were spun.  Yet even those fell prey, after a time, to the self-serving mnlipulation of the darker ones.  They greatly feared that if you, the people, remembered us as we truly are-beings of goodness and carriers of God’s supreme powers of kindness and abundance-then you in turn would remember yourselves as such.  You would also remember that you are not on this journey alone;  that you are deeply connected to The Divine and are surrounded by millions of unseen helpers.  This simply would not do, not for the barren reality that they set out to create upon this planet.  So then, after a time, you all forgot.  Sweet Gaia plummeted down from 5th-density to become stuck in the thickness of the 3rd, and with that fall went all recollection of a time when her surface was a land of joyful play and peace.  And now, at this time of her ascent, back up to take her rightful place within the higher realms, you are beginning to feel the very first stirrings of recollection.  You are slowly feeling and seeing us in your dreams and meditations, but still you do not embrace us fully.  Millenia of false teaching are not easy to get gone.  This is the result of lifetime after lifetime of strong conditioning.  You have been led to believe in only what is tangibly put before you.  But in your heart of hearts you want desperately to believe.  Your 3rd dimensional brain thinks, how can it be?  It is far too beautiful.  Too rife with magic and wonder.  A world of faerie, elves and merfolk cannot possibly exist alongside of us, in a world like this one.  Yet I beg you, trust my words- it is the world in which you actually do live.  Nobody can make a wish and have it come true, so you think.  Honestly, though, do you truly believe this with your whole heart?  For what is wish-fulfillment, really, if not a fancy way of saying manifestation?


♥ All of Earth’s various Realms are coming together with the merging of the timelines.  The rapid activation of your DNA is resulting in a sharpening of your perceptual abilities, enabling you to pick up on our presence, even if you cannot yet perceive us with your physical eye and ear.  We are nudging you in a telepathic manner.  This contact is of deep importance as we come to assist you with our plethora of gifts.  We have much to offer you in the way of progress, not to mention that each new person who accepts us brings the truth that much closer to the light.  And it is happening.  Look around you at the many channels, not only this one, who are bringing you our messages.  Reports of sightings in lakes and oceans, and unknown creatures washing up on beaches fill your more enlightened outlets of communication.  What of the unexplainable sounds?  Entertainment featuring mankind’s legends and tales of us are all the rage, and albeit the factual incorrectness, our kind are quite pleased in that we see this as a wonderful first step.  These are signs that people are hearing us, whether they are aware of it or not.  Take this as another victory for truth.


♥ Allow us to re-enter your awareness and become a part of your reality.  Believe in us as more than simply children’s tales.  The Universe is overflowing with life of every imaginable kind, and life which you could not even begin to imagine in your wildest dreams.  Come disclosure time, and with the victory of the truth movements, you will come to see and know us and realize that we are your allies and friends.  Many more of us will then return to take our rightful places here on Earth.  We patiently look forward to your return to complete awareness.  Keep an open mind and a faithful heart.  This is all we ask of you to do.  Dare to believe.  Until my next communication, I wish you great joy in all you do.  I am Moreanna.


Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.



Let us

Rain's picture

Let us welcome each other home, My Friends! Thank you for this beautiful message, Moreanna. You know I welcome all "magical" Beings with a happy heart. I never stopped believing in you. Not really.



This is the best! Mahalo!!

daughter of rebekah's picture

This is the best news I have heard in my whole life. In my heart I had always dared to hope it was true...thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this. Namaste.