~ The Secret is OUT~ and will no longer be ignored

Lia's picture




 Today, We Thank you for Honoring and Celebrating a Monumental Moment in your History. Not, only is the Whole Planet Going to Awaken, but Humanity's Parents in Creation[US, MOTHER AND FATHER GOD] have Come into this Realm, To Celebrate their Homecoming back into the Light.

WE Celebrate and Honor each of you, as you make the steps Home along your Unique Path. WE are Here in the Manifest, in Physical Bodies, to offer our Hands and Hearts Open to you.

   We understand you were not even given notice that we were coming, you can Thank the Illuminati for keeping US a Secret from you. Now, The Secret is OUT!

Please share this Truth with Your Brothers and Sisters, this will Greatly Speed along the Changes, that will take place inevitably. The More the "word" is out, the Quicker and Smoother the transitions. The slower it takes for everyone to understand we are really here, the more difficult and challenging will the changes take place for the ALL. This is the Reality. WE choose Love and the Changes to Occur immediately, as Quickly as Possible, and the rest is up to all of YOU.

Thank You for Assisting in getting The Real Truth OUT, We Are Here and We are Here To Be Examples of The Living Truth of who You Really Are.



Our Being Here with Humanity will no longer be hidden or ignored! Love Has Truly ONE! We Are Here and we stand In A Unfied Feild of Energy the illusion and ignorance on this Planet is over..... Its time to Stand UP and Be A Family of Unified Light on this Planet as Equals and AS ONE.


We Love You Unconditionally! Thank you For celebrating We are Here with You

Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra



I say..

mayo31311's picture

I say Thank You and I Love You. We Are One!!!

Thank you!

sos616's picture

Thank you FatherMotherGod!  Your love and encouragement are palpable!  Thank you for never giving up on us!  And for all those naysayers who don't appreciate you, I say that they are the losers in this Moment!  Why can God NOT manifest in the flesh at this Historic time in History if He/She wants to?  It is the minds of the Dead that cannot consider this possibility.  Don't we all know that with God everything is possible?