12MondayNov 2012
Posted by commonpassioncommunity
Whether we realize it or not, we are continually planting seeds.
Whenever we share an idea, a perspective, an opinion, we either consciously or unconsciously influence others by planting these as possibilities. We plant seeds, which manifest as situations, conflicts, love and everything in between. This affects our lives, our communities and our countries. Because of our connectedness, we can’t help but influence each other.
This week we will begin our 90-day
Common Passion Shift of the Ages Global Concordance Program.
Our mission is to honour the Maya; to awaken and celebrate the realization of humanity’s oneness as we transition to a new age – a new Sun – through the teachings and wisdom of Mayan prophecies and elders, specifically their elected Grand Elder, Wakatel Utiw, “Wandering Wolf.”
The first Tele-Webcast will be this Thursday, November 15th and we will be discussing Kan, the day of the Seed. Prophetic messages of peace, healing, reclaiming our destiny, abundance and respect for Mother Earth will be shared and honoured.
It’s so harmonious, how the Maya have always been so connected to the planet, to Mother Earth, to Gaia, to Pachamama, and how their actions are synchronized with this connection. To deliberately and mindfully make a decision and take action based on how it will affect this living, breathing Earth on which we inhabit, by connecting with a daily energy, is a beautiful way to live life. Each and every one of us is a powerful being with the potential to influence great change and we mustn’t underestimate the power of our intentions.
What kind of seeds do you want to plant?
What ideas would you like to see germinate and grow? So many of us are familiar with, or perhaps even intimate with the shift that is all around us. We have an opportunity here to plant some new seeds, to replant some seeds and perhaps to do some weeding and let go of some former perspectives that no longer serve us.
In alignment with Maya prophecy, it is time. It is time to nurture the seeds that are already planted and perhaps, to plant some new seeds...
If you're interested in following the meditations and free telecast you can go HERE