For those of us who have been following the channelled scene for a while Greg Giles is a name that was often talked about in lightworker circles.. Chancellor of the GFL and Ashtar Command I had become appreciative over the months for Greg's regular updates.
Over the last month or so though I found myself out of resonance with Greg's work. While I still (for the most part) read his messages I found myself "put off" by the introduction of fear and accusations that had (for me) appeared more and more in his writings.
I was genuinely taken back though to read his "finale" message where he says he was "duped" that there is no assension, no GFL and no cabal... I have attached his message at the end but I do urge anyone who chooses to read it to use discernment as there was definitely some disturbing messages writing in the body of his finale writing.
Some chat rooms are asking if Greg has gone missing, others are saying his site has been hacked.. Whatever the reason, I would like to extend a big hug and thank you to Greg for his tireless work over the past few months. This is a big reminder for me on discernment, that we are all responsible for running messages through our heart before accepting them as true... Everyone is entitled to their sovereignty and to their own opinion... But I can honor and respect the person who is doing what they believe to be their highest good.
So, thank you Greg. Whatever the truth be behind your exit, I wish you well and from my heart to yours I send love and blessings _/\_
*link to Greg's final message.....
Who wrote this crap? Of
Who wrote this crap? Of course Atlantis and Lemuria existed......while I don't think the changes are going to happen over night, ascension is real.....this is totally disinfo, and people trying to really mess with our minds!
Blessings to Greg and Glenn (his bro)
Thank you much for writing this. I totally agree with you and found the same. I know many will read this and it will help our community heal from this assault.
A prayer:
We hereby Love and Link together and send blessings to Greg and Glenn Giles and trust that all is well with the Divine Plan.
We send violet light to Greg and Glenn and thank them for their efforts.
Many blessings to All on Earth and All those Seen and Unseen.
Sending Love... Love... Peace... Love.
Let it Go
You all are making to much of this. He is a channel, I use my discernment in what I read and believe. On a personal level I stop reading his information because I felt anger while reading his information. The ascension is occurring you know it and I know it there is nothing to discuss.
Discernment is going to be the one most important tool that we all have and will have in the coming months. I recall reading Gregs messages as they began to change, I found my self reading them not for the information contianed in them, but merely t see the tone that they took for that day.
It was very obvious how they went from a place of love, to a scolding and insincere tone, I found I was reading them more for amusement than anything else. It's not hard to tell when something just doesn't resonate with you, and this most recent message clearly does not, infact, it doesn't even appear to be of the same intelligence as before, it is pure disinformation.
I wish love and light to you all, and please remember discernment is going to be our greatest weapon to defend against this type of disinformation as I am sure loads of it is set to come our way over the next few months.
I think discernment has always been extremely important and will be needed as long as we are on the Earth.
Spirit has an inherent gift of perception and we are able to discern the energies that enter our world. It is totally up to us to apply mastery instead of fear, to be confident and trust our own sense of the calibre of the energy placed in front of us.
If the Light Force on Earth practiced discernment, acting on their own authority, simply accepting that which resonated as true and discarding the rest, the planet would quickly to a state of Peace.
Understanding how vital this particular area is to the overall Ascension plan, I have continually added articles on this subject on my site. <?xml:namespace prefix = o />