- Latest Earthquake Activity - February 19, 2013
- The Morning Blessing 02.19.13
- Fran Zepeda - Lady Master Nada: You Are Love Incarnate - February 18, 2013
- 3 to 5D~ Lauren C Gorgo~ 5D Update
- Visionkeeper - Allow The Old To Depart…
- The Heart Song for February 19th 2013
- Saint Germain through Méline Lafont ~You are being led to a point where the return to your inner self is the only possible solution
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ A New Day
- 3MIN News February 19, 2013: Solar Eruptions in Progress
- Heavenletter #4470 - You Are a Vibration of Energy
- The Council of Nine ~ Change as a Pathway to Growth
- ~ Join Us Live On The Grid~ Moving ON UP~
- Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn ~ 18 February 2013
- Strange Happenings and Temporary Depletion ~ It’s Positivity Disguised!
- The Galactic Free Press Update: Planetary Upgrade In Process
- ~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Road To Full Consciousness
- Dear Merlin
- Denise Le Fay – Why I’ve Been MIA Lately – 18 February 2013
- Benjamin Fulford 2-19-13… “After Pope falls…[NOW what]?”
- Twin Flames and Twin Souls - Is There a Difference?
- The Oracle Report Tuesday, February 19, 2013
- Qld sinkhole could swallow more buildings
- What's In a Name? Fascinating Synchronicities, References, and Connections!
- Planetary Upgrade In Process
- The Passion Of The Christ Within Gives Way to the Gas Turbine Engine Called YOUR CORE!!
- The Celestial Team ~ One More Time~Human Beings Are Beings Of Frequency!
- Live: Snow, Icy Mess Spreads Into East
- Irma Kaye ~ Meetings With Celestina ~ Part 3 ~
- Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/19/2013
- Equal Opportunity Physical Energy Exchange
- Possible meteor reported off the coast of Florida
- Debbie Ford dies at 57 after cancer battle
- Winter Storm Q: How Much Snow?
- Russian Meteor Blast Bigger Than Thought, NASA Says
- Dana Mrkich ~Asteroids, Meteors, Birth And Death ~19 February 2013
- Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages
- Etna volcano current activity: new strombolian activity at Bocca Nuova
- Portals
- Lady Master Nada: You Are Love Incarnate ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~
- Re-Hearter! Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon. ALL are Welcome!
- Arctic sea ice volume now one-fifth its 1979 level
- Christina ~ Trust All Is In Perfect Order ~ 19 February 2013
- 2-19-13 Bill Ballard ~ If You Are Having A Problem With Grounding ~ Reverse
Greetings Love Beings, Well, WOW... Huge Shifts energetically continue... Feels like the Mayans Were right about February. We awoke this morning with a Complete shift in the energy. Those who are in the mind and not the heart will most likely not be having fun in this incoming Joy. Let go surrender and Be Free. Love YOU! Love The Earth Allies
Latest Earthquake Activity - February 19, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the 6.1 quake in KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
February 19
The Morning Blessing 02.19.13
Open hearts are ideal places for love and peace to grow. Remember the game rules: there is infinite support available to you when you become the lens of focus for the energy you are calling on. Make your choices in alignment with your higher truth. Do not be content to just "ask" for what you want. Asking for something, such as love or peace, it is not as effective as becoming love and peace. And becoming means you have to be willing to do the spiritual work that is required when you bump into a part of yourself that is not in balance with your intention.
You see, being in peace or the embrace of love during a your meditation each day will be counteracted if you then spend the rest of the day "attacking your opponents" in business and personal relationships that divide you along the lines of gender, race, class, religion or any of the other myriad ways we define and limit ourselves. It is one thing to stand for love or peace and another thing to refuse to participate in any activity, purchase any product, or support another being that promotes abuse, violence or the taking of any form of life.
Fran Zepeda - Lady Master Nada: You Are Love Incarnate - February 18, 2013
Hello dear ones, I am Nada, greeting you from a deep place of Love and Compassion for all you who venture on this path of Ascension.
You are the bearers of Love and the forerunners in laying the foundation of Love, Compassion and Service for all mankind. Your very breath holds the element of Service as you draw in the substance of Divine Essence. Just by letting go and acknowledging your existence in the realm of Source brings your essence to a place of Truth within yourself. From there you are able to tap all the Love and deep knowing that is available to you. Just by knowing this, you can swell in Love and offer it up to others.
You have reached a point in your ascension where it is imperative to constantly live within that knowing, within that deep knowing that all that is required of you is to feel deep Unconditional Love for yourself and others. Make no mistake that this is your purpose and your birthright. Nothing else really matters. It is the entirety of your being, my precious bearers of Love.
Consider yourselves whole and complete, able to hold all the Love you desire, all the Love that is available, all the Love that you are deserving and worthy of. And that is key, my dear ones, for you are worthy and deserving of receiving massive, unlimited amounts of Love, increasing each minute.
3 to 5D~ Lauren C Gorgo~ 5D Update
3 to 5D: victim to victor
If January was a bear, then February served up the anti-christ.
Visionkeeper - Allow The Old To Depart…
One World Rising Posted on February 19, 2013
Do not hold on desperately to what was, let it sail away clearing space for all the amazing and wonderful possibilities that are here for the taking if we allow it. We are in the new world now if we just make the effort to realize it. The new world is really nothing more than a shift in our perceptions and the understanding we can do, be and have anything we desire for it is we ourselves that are activating the creation of all that is. We are free because we choose to see ourselves as free or we can be suppressed victims if we choose to see our world that way. We seem to continue to wait to see changes when really they have been there all along. The changes appear when we create them. All that is, is in our minds and how we choose to view life is what our world becomes.
The Heart Song for February 19th 2013
The Heart Song for February 19th 2013 is
Come and Be Mine
Copyright: Maurice Turmel – “Dr Moe”, 2012
Can you hear the water falling
Can you see the river flow
Can you hear yourself a calling
Lord, where do I go
Can you feel your breath awake
Can you heal your heartache
Can you smell the roses dear
Can you give your head a shake
I Am your Heavenly Angel
Your servant Divine
I am your Source of comfort
Come and be mine
I am your Source of comfort
Come and be mine
Can you feel the magic
In all that lies about you
Can you just believe in Love
Time to tie that other shoe
Saint Germain through Méline Lafont ~You are being led to a point where the return to your inner self is the only possible solution
pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, February 19, 2013
19th of February 2013
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ A New Day
Angel Wisdom Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Heavenletter #4470 - You Are a Vibration of Energy
Heaven Letters Published on: February 19, 2013
Of what is life made if not of you? You are a prerequisite of life and a proponent of life. It is you who makes My dreams come true, or it is you who runs away from My dreams. You play, not only a part, but an important part of the play and display of life on Earth no matter how you dissemble or resemble.
Your existence is like a battery that charges up life, or you are like the moon that moves silently and lights the world whether it is noticed or not.
Certainly, you cannot deny that you have energy, a vibration of energy, and you mount the stage of life, and you sing a song and you dance a dance. You may even be off-stage, quiet in the background, and, just the same, in the background, you stir the actors spotlighted on the stage.
The Council of Nine ~ Change as a Pathway to Growth
by Tazjima
We are the Council of Nine.
Greetings dear ones! Spring is coming early to some of the northern hemisphere. Robins and swelling poplar buds, as well as gentle rain storms have arrived in parts of the Pacific Northwest, even as areas of the Northeast United States are shivering under a blanket of snow and ice. Weather patterns seem to be shifting all over the place and it is getting hard to predict what “normal” weather is any more.
Indeed, little seems normal in your world any more. Many of you are being met up with daily challenges, from the faltering economy, from personal and familial issues, from job losses and/or changes, or perhaps you are considering moving to a different locale. Change is becoming the norm. Expecting the unexpected is to be prepared for all possibilities and to leave one’s mind open to change.
~ Join Us Live On The Grid~ Moving ON UP~
Greetings Love Beings, You can Join us Live On The Grid Right NOW at 6:pm Pacific till? We Are Moving Love Energy! Here is The Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Love WINS!
Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn ~ 18 February 2013
I am here today to tell you all of something that is taking place in the universe. I am Hatonn, and I greet you on the most momentous of days. It is a matter of circumventing the universe and all of its territories and then coming around again. We are in that beginning phase of the return trip around the universe, the one that is beginning to open us all up to who we truly are and what our next steps are.
You may be wondering in this moment what I speak of when I include myself, and all others in my speaking of our opening up. I am referring to the fact that in the past roundabouts through the universe, we all put certain instances of information into storage, most of which is in the Porthalogus Library.
I say most of which because there is another storage vault in which bits and pieces of information have been kept under wrap, so to speak for the grand re-opening that is set into place to be awakened within each and everyone of us. That information has to do with the energetic patterning of each of our beginnings of existence. It has to do with why we are here and what is behind the patterning of our own individual place in the Oneness of the universal language of total and complete placement in our fields within the universe.
Strange Happenings and Temporary Depletion ~ It’s Positivity Disguised!
For those of you who follow channeled messages, I would strongly advise listening to what the bulk of channels are saying currently. We’re being told by so many different sources that the hardest of the work we’ve set out for ourselves to do has been done, and we now face a world needing repair that we the sovereign humanity will, of course, be repairing.
I wanted to give a bit of a personal update given my longer-than-usual absense, and I should say that I, like many of you possibly, am in the midst of a difficult cleansing process that tends to take up a lot of my energy. I’m also recognizing the expanded facets of my role and what they require of me, and being led to spend most of my time in department stores yesterday so that I could transmute the collective dense energy in each store (which make no mistake, certainly takes its toll) has garnered a temporary depletion.
The Galactic Free Press Update: Planetary Upgrade In Process
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, At the Beginning of the Month we announced we would have Massive Energetic Movement and we have not been let down. From Earthquakes to an Asteroid, to a Significant Meteor Hitting the Planet, to the pope resigning, and so much more. We are experiencing Event after event and we have really only Just Begun! We are Moving so Quickly and events will continue rolling out as the Energies push forward in intensity. For those who are still in process of releasing the denser energies you may be experiencing extreme tiredness as a Part of the Cleansing Required In this Energy Upgrade, while others Will Feel Extra Energy.The Meteor and the Asteroid coupled with The New Earth Energies gave the Planet and Everyone On the Planet an Upgrade! These energetic Upgrades will Continue all throughout 2013 until The Planet is completely Immersed In the 5D Frequencies. Up and Up We Go and Everyone On The Planet Comes Home!
~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Road To Full Consciousness
Right Now all of Humanity is in the Process of Becoming Full Consciousness. Some May leave the Planet in Numbers as we Proceed into Complete 5D Reality, WHICH IS LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT~
The reason for many leaving is the Intense Energy Increase that is Now Penetrating to the very core of Mother Earth=Heart which is Connected to All Human Beings On Planet Earth=Heart. This Divine Energy seeded here By Us, Mother and Father God,is Pure Love Energy to Awaken Each Being on This Planet. This Was Set in The Divine Plan as this Moment of Now for the Release of this Energy.
This Energy is Putting Intense Pressure on the program ego mind, which is what is termed darkness. What this is accomplishing is the dissolving of the program mind, and then The Real Being Emerges from this Experience.
Although all On Planet Earth=Heart at this time Contracted for this, not all will be able to release the ego. So, then they must transform through a physical death. All Are going Home Into 5d Reality In the No Matter what, by Divine Decree.
ƸӜƷ #BUTTERFLY #MARIPOSA #BEAUTIFUL #FLY #HIGH #YES http://tiny.cc/280psw & http://tiny.cc/ad1psw ♥
Denise Le Fay – Why I’ve Been MIA Lately – 18 February 2013
Thanks to Lucas2012infos Posted February 18, 2013
Never since the creation of TRANSITIONS in 2007 have I gone so long without writing anything! I’ve tried a few times to write something in February, but with the current Ascension symptoms I’m going through now, it’s nearly impossible to do anything — especially if physically moving and turning one’s head and/or eyes the slightest bit is required! I’ve tried to push my way through this and just do the work and other things I need to do but there’s a price to pay when I do this and it sends me back to bed to recover from that stupid move, on top of the symptoms I was having. Lesson learned, but I’m not always so great at resting and doing nothing physically when I’d rather be doing something else. I like to rest when I like to rest, not when I’m forced to. Hum, another personal lesson.
Benjamin Fulford 2-19-13… “After Pope falls…[NOW what]?”
After Pope falls, British Monarchy under severe attack, global turbulence increases
Benjamin Fulford, February 19, 2013
[Kp note: below is one statement from the not-public section]
‘If the Chinese play their cards right and coordinate with the 180 nation BRICS group, they should be able to force an end to the cabal dominated post-war international system of governance.”
Twin Flames and Twin Souls - Is There a Difference?
Is there a difference between a Twin Flame and a Twin soul? No there isn't. A Twin Soul occurs when part of an original soul splits into two parts to form your other Self, or Twin Flame. Thus a Twin Flame is the mirror image of one soul that has split into two parts, one being male dominant and one being female, so yes a Twin Flame is also known as your Twin Soul.
A Twin Flame is also referred to as your Divine Complement. Everybody has one. There are no exceptions. It is a uncommon and very rare thing for Twin Flames to incarnate together, and if they do so it is for a very specific and unavoidable reason.
When a soul takes on a low density physical form in the human realm, it's Twin Flame remains behind in the higher dimensions and acts as a guide to support it's other half. Now during the process called Ascension, which started at the end of 2012, some twin flames are re-uniting in order to prepare to fulfil their divine missions together. One reason for this is to help raise the consciousness of humanity and the planet through your combined energy.
How do you know you're with your Twin Flame?
Whether incarnated or not, the bond or connection you will feel with your other half is deeply loving and spiritual. It is nothing like the human bond formed in a romantic relationship. The twin flame bond transcends this. This is how you can tell the difference. Whilst in physical form, your bond with your Twin is the closest you will come to experiencing Oneness. There is no mistaking it. It will give you a taste of the Oneness you will experience when you ascend out of the human realm into the higher dimensions.
The Relationship
The Oracle Report Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Oracle Report
First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Gemini
The skills of an acrobat will facilitate navigation of today's energy. This implies that we will need to move fluidly between situations, changing and adapting to things as the day goes on. If you are locked in place with something - locked in a mindset, belief, habit, etc. - consider unlocking because rigidity will cause strife today.
Qld sinkhole could swallow more buildings
9 News National - 2/19/13
GONE: Now you see it, now you don't. A sinkhole appeared at Midtown Marina in Bundaberg, causing the building to crumble.
Mayor Mal Forman says about 10 businesses, including a multi-level hotel, are at risk along the Burnett River.
Authorities fear more buildings could topple into a sinkhole that has swallowed a two-storey building in the flood-ravaged Queensland city of Bundaberg.
To watch the videos and read the rest of this story, visit 9 News National.
Similar Story: Rain sparks new flood fears in Queensland
What's In a Name? Fascinating Synchronicities, References, and Connections!
The National Weather Service only names hurricanes, not winter storms, so the Weather Channel graciously stepped in last year, much to the annoyance of the NWS. The network began naming winter storm systems at the beginning of winter to raise awareness of the storms and to make it easier to follow a weather system’s progress, according to The Weather Channel’s website. Also, the network believes a named storm is easier to remember and to reference in communications.
Many of the names for 2012-2013 have Greek or Latin origins. TWC tends to prefer names with mythological or literary roots.
Here is the complete list of winter storm names: Athena, Brutus, Caesar, Draco, Euclid, Freyr, Gandolf, Helen, Iago, Jove, Khan, Luna, Magnus, Nemo, Orko, Plato, Q, Rocky, Saturn, Triton, Ukko, Virgil, Walda, Xerxes, Yogi, and Zeus.
2012/2013 Winter Storm Names and Meanings
Planetary Upgrade In Process
GFP Update ~ Planetary Upgrade In Process!
Bringing Humanity Home
~ Energy and Event Update~
Greetings Love Beings, At the Beginning of the Month we announced we would have Massive Energetic Movement and we have not been let down. From Earthquakes to an Asteroid, to a Significant Meteor Hitting the Planet, to the pope resigning, and so much more. We are experiencing Event after event and we have really only Just Begun! We are Moving so Quickly and events will continue rolling out as the Energies push forward in intensity.
For those who are still in process of releasing the denser energies you may be experiencing extreme tiredness as a Part of the Cleansing Required In this Energy Upgrade, while others Will Feel Extra Energy. The Meteor and the Asteroid coupled with The New Earth Energies gave the Planet and Everyone On the Planet an Upgrade! These energetic Upgrades will Continue all throughout 2013 until The Planet is completely Immersed In the 5D Frequencies. Up and Up We Go and Everyone On The Planet Comes Home!
The Passion Of The Christ Within Gives Way to the Gas Turbine Engine Called YOUR CORE!!
Yesterday, as I was sitting here just feeling my body (which at this present moment, is a really unpleasant experience) and trying to understand what is really happening (thru the congestion storm in my chest migrating to my head) I kept asking within myself… what the hell is happening this time? I do know that whatever this “change out” is, is in direct relationship to the throat chakra (since that set itself on fire first) and the high heart (an elephant has taken up residence there and is squashing the ba-jesus out of me.) Thru the depth of congestion and my deep inner pondering I hear my team utter one single word. ”Turbine.”
So I do what I do best when completely perplexed… I googled turbine. A series of groggy ah-ha’s started to spill over me. I found a site and some of the things that explained what a turbine was. The first sentence caught me: A turbine is a type of engine that can extract energy from a fluid, such as water, steam, air, or combustion gases.
The Celestial Team ~ One More Time~Human Beings Are Beings Of Frequency!
Ah, hello again, Beloved!
How often have we come to you in this way, over the past two and more of your years? Hundreds! And why did we begin when we did, to collaborate with our Judith in order to transmit our frequencies and messages to you? Because it was TIME. It was “time” to begin to prepare you for the crossing of your solstice threshold of 12.21.12, and into the very NOW that you are in. And how often we have repeated the very same messages in many different ways over these years, always callibrating them to attune with your own fluctuating frequencies of the moment! How often our Judith has written the same messages in different metaphors and words to match our continuing re-callibrations!
And WHY have we done so? Why did we not move on to give you even more information, more interesting guidance, more varieties of frequency activation? Well, we hope you have far more than an inkling as to “why” by NOW, for you are immersed in the very reason as you read! You are in NEW energetic territory, and the difference between where you are and where you were is as extreme as a move from the North Pole of your planet to it’s equator. And, to the extent that you are still all bundled up in snowsuits and trying to navigate your way around in a snowmobile, you are not only uncomfortable and confused– but you are resisting the very relief that you have been waiting for.
Live: Snow, Icy Mess Spreads Into East
Meghan Evans, Meteorologist, February 19, 2013; 8:27 AM
A deadly storm that shut down roads across the Midwest is now taking aim at the Northeast. Snow, sleet and freezing rain are pushing into the interior Northeast on Tuesday, creating slick travel conditions.
Roads are slippery due to the wintry weather across the corridor from western New York to central Pennsylvania and down the spine of the Appalachians.
For more information and video click here.
Irma Kaye ~ Meetings With Celestina ~ Part 3 ~
Guidance For Lightworkers & Forgiveness – 19 February 2013
To understand everything is to forgive everything. – Buddha
This is the continuation of an ongoing conversation with healing angel Celestina, who is identified as part of the Akashic Wisdom Keepers, my personal Guidance Team.
Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/19/2013
Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/19/13
Three of Pentacles
It's time that you take matters into your own hand. The blueprint is there, along with the foundation. It's yours to work with. You are an artist. You are unique. No one else can create what you can create, and the world desperately needs your creativity. For inspiration, you do not have to go far. You need only sit quietly and get to know yourself. You, at a very deep level, already know exactly what it is and how to present the final product in the most brilliant way possible. The world needs you, yes you. So get to work. You need not do it alone. There are certain parts of your uniqueness that may require the help of another to bring to light. But, you can do it. You may doubt yourself now, but when you take the time to quiet the mind you will know nothing is impossible.
If you're intersted in a tarot or numerology reading, Reiki and natural bath and beauty products check out Ataraxia Holistics on Facebook and at their website.
Equal Opportunity Physical Energy Exchange
Well then; if I ain't with the Twin yet, maybe I have some more soul mates to chill with cause they also "LIKE US IN ENERGY FREQUENCY." There is it in black and white. heheheeee. The other post (aura, batteries and sex) suggested that we be on the same energy level. Self pleasure is forfilling, but, keeping it real... another hand or two can create ALOT of energy, heheheheee. LOOK AT THAT DAMN ENERGIZER BUNNY, MUST HAVE FOUND TWIN FLAME or at least a soul mate.....yah know...heheheee. Yeah, that's whats up..... EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHYSICAL ENERGY EXCHANGE!!! HEHEHEE
Possible meteor reported off the coast of Florida
The Extinction Protocol Posted on February 19, 2013
Debbie Ford dies at 57 after cancer battle
Examiner.com February 18, 2013 By: Rachel Dillin
Self-help author Debbie Ford dies at 57, according to a Feb. 18 Denver Post report. She wrote best-selling book "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers."
Winter Storm Q: How Much Snow?
Nick Wiltgen Published: Feb 19, 2013, 7:36 AM EST weather.com
West Coast Satellite
Winter Storm Q will lay down a swath of significant snowfall from the mountains of California all the way to the Midwest over the next several days.
As the upper-level dip in the jet stream, or trough, swings ashore in the West Coast Tuesday, the first significant snow from Winter Storm Q will sweep into California.
Russian Meteor Blast Bigger Than Thought, NASA Says
Tariq Malik Published: February 18, 2013
The meteor that exploded over Russia Friday was slightly larger than previously thought and more powerful, too, NASA scientists say.The Russian meteor explosion over the city of Chelyabinsk, on Friday (Feb. 15), injured more than 1,000 people and blew out windows across the region in a massive blast captured on cameras by frightened witnesses. Friday afternoon, NASA scientists estimated the meteor was space rock about 50 feet (15 meters) and sparked a blast equivalent of a 300-kiloton explosion. The energy estimate was later increased to 470 kilotons
For more information click here
Dana Mrkich ~Asteroids, Meteors, Birth And Death ~19 February 2013
What an exciting week in the skies we’ve had. First a meteor hurled into Russia creating a magnificent light-show – and unfortunately thousands of broken windows and related injuries. However that’s incredibly fortunate compared to the greater damage and even fatalities that could have occurred had it hit elsewhere. I feel it did the least amount of damage possible, given that it was a fireball travelling at 66, 000 miles an hour!
Then less than 24 hours later an asteroid whizzed by within a whisker of Earth. We all had a heads up that our little blue planet was in no danger which was obviously fantastic news, so we could enjoy the event for the awesome occurrence it was rather than go into any fear and panic.
These two events have given us the opportunity to remind us that we are a planet, one planet, whereas usually we are so pre-occupied with dividing ourselves into warring countries and conflicting political parties. Our human dramas and power plays seem even crazier than ever when pinned against the backdrop of a vast cosmos, of which we are really only a very, very, tiny part. Truly we have been given a paradise on which to live, but how often do we really acknowledge that and take a moment to say, hey, thanks Earth!
Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages
Shelley's Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. :) They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website www.trinityesoterics.com.
January 28, 2013
Etna volcano current activity: new strombolian activity at Bocca Nuova
Source: Volcano Discovery - Update Tue 19 Feb
New paroxysm from New SE crater
The strombolian activity progressively increased and merged into lava fountains at around 04h40 local time. A lava flow descended into Valle del Bove and reached about 2600 m elevation on the slope north of Sierra Giannicola Picola. The eruption ended rapidly by about 06h30.
This marks the first "true" paroxysm this year, very similar to the spectacular ones during 2011-12, but comparably weaker than these.
As I sit here drinking yet another cup of coffee this morning, I was drawn to write about the most important topic of portals. This isn't an article so I will just write as it comes and as asked. I've already tried to call the topic a "subject" but was quickly corrected as I wasn't able to even correctly type the word!
That in and of itself is important, because words themselves can be portals. They are portals to understandings, doorways to knowledge. If I tell you something, you use that to step into a doorway and go down a path. If later you find that I have led you down the wrong path, or perhaps your lack of understanding, then you have to turn around and find the right doorway to understanding. Honestly, I have never thought of words as portals before but indeed they are.
When you look up the definition of both subject and topic, you will see why I was told to use one and not the other. I like to use http://www.m-w.com but you can use any dictionary that you like. While you are there go ahead and look up portal and you will also see why it is more appropriate than door or doorway.
Lady Master Nada: You Are Love Incarnate ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~
Hello dear ones, I am Nada, greeting you from a deep place of Love and Compassion for all you who venture on this path of Ascension.
You are the bearers of Love and the forerunners in laying the foundation of Love, Compassion and Service for all mankind. Your very breath holds the element of Service as you draw in the substance of Divine Essence. Just by letting go and acknowledging your existence in the realm of Source brings your essence to a place of Truth within yourself. From there you are able to tap all the Love and deep knowing that is available to you. Just by knowing this, you can swell in Love and offer it up to others.
You have reached a point in your ascension where it is imperative to constantly live within that knowing, within that deep knowing that all that is required of you is to feel deep Unconditional Love for yourself and others. Make no mistake that this is your purpose and your birthright. Nothing else really matters. It is the entirety of your being, my precious bearers of Love.
Re-Hearter! Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon. ALL are Welcome!
Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.
Welcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)
I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.
~ Love, Rain
Arctic sea ice volume now one-fifth its 1979 level
Dr. Jeff Masters, 2:52 AM GMT on February 19, 2013
Figure 1. Arctic sea ice volume in thousands of cubic kilometers during the September minimum in 1979 compared to 2012, as estimated by the University of Washington PIOMAS model. Arctic seas ice volume has declined by more than a factor of five. Image credit; Andy Lee Robinson.
Christina ~ Trust All Is In Perfect Order ~ 19 February 2013
When we are not living our true existence we may become seemingly lost, betraying our self. When we experience discouragement we often overlook our true value. Sometimes we take a misstep and aimlessly follow an ill-suited path. When all seems tilted, volatile or cataclysmic we must trust that all is in perfect order.
Trust is the key factor. Self-judgment is one the biggest travesties we commit against ourselves. We may be aghast at what is being played out and yet all is aligned in perfect order and for our highest outcome.
Our true self is all knowing and will gently prod us to free us from a false sense of identity. Any self created agony or misconceptions will dissolve, clearing the way for us to live the life of our birthright.
Realizing there is divine order and our life is not a collection of random events and mere happenstance, but divinely guided, we break free of our encumbered thinking. All events are placed before us for our absolute highest good.
I am clearly and succinctly in alignment with divine order.
Living in the Now
2-19-13 Bill Ballard ~ If You Are Having A Problem With Grounding ~ Reverse
There have been several persons asking me about grounding themselves lately and asking if there is another way to ground than connecting OUR PERSONAL GROUND to Mother Earth as that is not "currently" (hehe) working for them. Since our Sun and Earth is going through a Polarity Reversal, a Magnetic Reversal and we are going crystalline in nature with our DNA and RNA mutating then we as electric beings are also effected by this polarity reversal. With that, as we used to ground to Mother Earth and now we are becoming Cosmic Beings rather than Earthlings.... We may wish to consider grounding to the Cosmos and seeing ourselves as Cosmic Beings. Doing so will lessen the resistance or heat you feel generated or causing discomfort as these energies come in... Try it if you are having difficulties and see if this helps. Last night it worked for me.
SOs newest vid showing the MEGA Filament across the Sun
Ron Van Dyke's newest on OPPT... This is good!
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Again We cannot give any verify Oppt... All our Love The Earth Allies