Link to The Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, When We began January We Shared alot of Energetic Movement would be occurring and we have not been let down. Alot is happening behind the scenes which will be overflowing into all on Planet Earth. Prepare for Intense Shifts and Changes not only on a personal level but also on a collective level. We will shortly Continue with Weekly Updates as We adjust to this New Energy and Will be Hosting a Family Meeting On Sunday at 11am Pacific in the 5d Room to share what has been unfolding and what this means for you and all of Humanity! Exciting Moments, as We prepare to All who are ready move into 5d!
We are Still running behind on our Funding, If You have not shared this month and the Galactic Free Press is Assisting You Thanks for Sharing with us, and Honoring our Dedication to this Very Divine Mission
976.56 $ Total Received
4000$ Funding Needs
We have 15 Days remaining to make our Goal
Quoted from Lauren C Gorgo"....I am being shown that 2014 is going to address the more practical matters of the heart and that it will be a bit of a fast paced year (as if time could get ANY faster). This year is largely about the nuts and bolts and will aid us in our ability to finally organize, structure and mold the divine deluge of creative freedom that sits before us….freedom that we earned, but that now needs a framework to function in the physical world. My intention with TWYH is to provide a support system for that framework, and for the massive changes that lie ahead for all of us.
We are moving from dreaming the dream, to creating it (!) and while TWYH will maintain its purpose and function in providing a portal into 5D with a wealth of information and a community of like-hearts, we will do so (together) in the direction of new-earth leadership…in living by the principal of BEing.
I haven’t mapped out all the details yet but there is so much new, practical information to share this year that it is beyond exciting…if not a little overwhelming. The basis of which will include the foundational principles for understanding our true capacity to create and the dynamic required to bring about true and lasting change in the world.I am also hearing that this year activates the “abundance codes” (!!) as part of our multidimensional experience as LOVE. Apparently these codes laid dormant until now and will begin awakening in droves, all over the planet, igniting what the Pleiadians are calling “a renaissance of prosperity thru LOVE”:....
You can Join us Live today Beginning at 2:00pm Pacific For The Flying With Petra and Lejo Show and Beginning at 4:00pm Pacific Friday Family Movie Night Surprise all at this link: