This ship is of the New Earth Ascended SpaceLife Forces

AdiGaia's picture

This ship is of the New Earth Ascended SpaceLife Forces which are beginning to function in some areas of the planet. It is making a public display to announce the increasing Ascended SpaceLife Forces which are active to create the New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization.

This New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization is the destined Planetary/Universal Ascended​ SpaceLife Creation and Civilization which is beginning to be created as the planetary destiny is continuing.

Published on Sep 29, 2017

This video was shot this morning at 9am by Ryan Wehner on his iPhone at ECETI Ranch in Washington state. He was shooting a panoramic scene at the ranch and after reviewing the footage caught this amazing, saucer-shaped, UFO that flew over the ranch and made a left-hand turn behind the trees at the north side of ECETI.
This is the actual raw footage that was sent to FADE to BLACK right from his iPhone.