Short Update~Whats Going On,On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live

Lia's picture


Mt. Shasta Ship Vortex


Greetings Love Beings, We have been going through so many shifts in the past 48 hours its almost Unbelievable. We Knew the Meteor and AStroid Would Effect Us but to this Dregree is Quite Amazing. If You are not experiencing this, this is becuase your energy is still attached to the 3d old paradigm. This must be released [surrender and let go], if not its going to become increasing uncomfortable as we proceed in these Energies. We are definatly Smack dab in the Middle of a Planetary Upgrade. This will facilitate us In the New Earth Manifestation. You can Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific On the Higher Grid to ask us questions are bring topics to us to discuss. We will also be discussing recent events and upcoming events and so much More. Join us Live at this Link beginning at 10:30am Pacific


Love The Earth Allies

Cosmic Waves Hitting The Planet NOW
