Sighting the Sombrero

Desert Gypsy's picture

Eyes on the - 5/6/13, David Fuller



The Sombrero Galaxy is one of the better-known photographs of night sky phenomenon.  But where to find it in the night sky?  It's not as difficult as it might seem, and Saturn helps point the way for the next few weeks as well.  With a fairly high surface brightness, along with several nearby double stars that are worth observing (even if you can't find or see the galaxy), get to know this area of sky this week while the Moon stay mostly out of the way and provides darker skies.  For a printable star chart of this area, use Star Chart #11 here at Eyes on the Sky, and look for M104 in the lower right hand corner near Corvus.  (Saturn will not be on this star chart.)

Eyes on the Sky astronomy videos are now closed captioned, allowing for translation into 58 languages as well as benefitting the hearing impaired.  Or, watch at work! Just don't tell your boss.







