Signs the Gulf Is Sick

Rain's picture - 4/02/13, AP

A new National Wildlife Federation report says dolphins and sea turtles are dying at an alarming rate. Mario Tama/Getty Images

NEW ORLEANS — Continuing deaths of dolphins and sea turtles are a sign that the Gulf of Mexico is still feeling effects from the 2010 spill that spewed 200 million gallons of oil from a well a mile below the surface, a prominent environmental group said Tuesday.

The deaths — especially in dolphins, which are at the top of the food chain — are "a strong indication that there is something amiss with the Gulf ecosystem," said National Wildlife Federation senior scientist Doug Inkley.

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At this stage of the game,

DeSwiss2's picture

At this stage of the game, the Main Stream Media serves little purpose other than to do boob stories, ''side-boob and Sarah Palin.''  And of course they still do stories which state the obvious:

President Obama Is Still Black And Republicans Still Don't Like It.

The US Is Still TRILLIONS In Debt.

Wall Street Reports Record Profits -- Everybody On This Street Gets A Bonus.

Except when TPTB (media owners) won't let them report even that.


Yet I would have thought that it wouldn't have taken a seasoned ''journalist'' (forgive me H.L. Mencken), to realize that when one deigns to extract crude oil from 5,000 feet in the sea (well beyond our capabilities to do little else but watch the destruction when we screw it up), and then adding murder to misery by pouring Corexit (another poison) in it all so as to disperse the crude oil we've so stupidly spilled -- and which are then mixed together into some god-awful soup -- well, that they'd come to the conclusion that by introducing such a deadly concoction into anyone's environment (the water they swim/live in, and into the food they eat, and always next to their skin -- that sort of thing)  that it would certainly be the cause of sickness and death.


  - But I don't know.  Living in fear makes one blind......