Solara ~ Weaving Quantum Deep Into The Here And Now

Lia's picture

Solara February 8 2014 (Thanks, Constance)

A significant part of our adjustment to the New Landscape is taking place while we are in the state of Quantum Deep. This has been going on for several months now and will probably continue until we are more fully inhabiting the New Landscape.

When we are pulled into Quantum Deep, everything around us starts feeling unreal and semi-transparent. We lose our connection with the Expanded HERE and NOW. it’s difficult to continue with our outer activities and we are strongly propelled to lie down and be super still. Once we do this, it’s like being plugged directly into the New Reality. At the same time that we are connected with this New Reality, we remain aware of our physical surroundings. We can hear the sounds around us; we can open our eyes, but it is not easy to move.

During these times, this extremely still New Reality becomes our predominant reality and we are infused with its energies on a core, cellular level. We feel so at home and at peace here that we don’t want to leave it. Usually after an hour or two, we slowly return to the HERE and NOW, knowing that we have just experienced a profound recalibration of our being.

Because of this, it often feels like we are traversing a landscape which resembles Swiss cheese. Although we try our best to stay in the Expanded HERE and NOW at all times, it’s simply not possible. We can be fully present and ready to leap into action mode, when suddenly we slip into one of the holes in the Swiss cheese and enter a profound state of Quantum Deep.

Many of us have the feeling that we are doing a lot of work all the time, yet much of it isn’t taking place on the physical. Yet there is a strong part of us that constantly has the urge to leap into physical action and get things done. At times we may feel torn between leaping into action and immersing ourselves into the profound stillness of the New Reality. We LOVE being in the Expanded HERE and NOW because this is where we feel fully alive, life feels fulfilling and everything feels ultra real. We may feel that we are “wasting time” when we’re in Quantum Deep, but we’re not.

This weaving that is taking place between the Expanded HERE and NOW and our immersion into the New Reality when we are in Quantum Deep is going to continue until we are able to fully inhabit the New Landscape and live in our True Homes. That’s when the new tapestry is ready.

Until then, we need to get used to navigating these very different states, just as we are getting used to navigating through the waves of loved ones leaving the planet, the extreme weather and political turmoil. We also have to accept that what we are doing when we are immersed into Quantum Deep is just as important as any outer activities.

