Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, Waves of Intense light this planet has ever seen are now arriving in waves! The Solstice Energies Have Really begun Kicking in and will reach a climax tomorrow! You Could be experiencing Many different feelings right now, Let Go, Surrender and Embrace the Light and The Present Moment of Now! This will assist You In these intense energies.
Quoted from The Earth Allies "~Greetings Love Beings~ We are In Some Interesting Spiraling energies as We are Moving very quickly towards our destiny. Those who do not know what is happening on the Planet are simply missing it. We have an intense wave of Light arriving and nothing can stop this! Those who are battling ego's and not trusting the Truth and Love through judgement are just missing it. Those of you who have Awakened Into Love are Now Joining the Unity Movement through Complete Participation in the Oneness Energy. Yeehaw~The Oneness Energy is the most powerful energy that is making its way contagiously across the Planet. This intense Light, has not been allowed to Be present for at least the last 13,000 Years. Look at us NOW, Humanity is moving at lightning speed from out of the illusion and into Reality. WOW! Atlantis and Lemuria were the closest moments when this energy was Present. We are moving into even Grander energy then was present during those moments on this Planet. We are Moving this Planet right now into Complete Balanced Harmonics. Where Love is the Law, True Family on One Planet Living in True Equality and the True Experience of Joy in every moment is all that exists...."
List of events for the next 48 hours on the Higher Grid JOIN US, We are One Family! All At this Link:
You can Join us today for Family Fun day In the 5d Room All Beginning at 10:00am Pacific Soaring With Spirit
2-4pm Pacific Flying With Father God
4-? Family Fun Night, Going to the Movies
December 21st First Meditation at 9:10am Pacific Opening of the portal
1:11pm Pacific Solstice Meditation