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86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an End to NSA Spying

June 11, 2013

The Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA) has joined the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and 85 other civil liberties groups and Internet organizations to U.S. lawmakers that it must put a stop to the National Security Agency and other U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies spying on American citizens. The letter is in response to two stories that leaked information about several NSA information gathering programs that target the internet and mobile phone activities of Americans.

"We hope that Congress listens to our thoughtful analysis and concerns, and addresses them," said Jennifer Mercurio, ECA's Vice President & General Counsel.

The letter asks Congress to review the Patriot Act and the FISA Amendments and rewrite it so that blanket surveillance is no longer possible by the government. The letter also urges Congress to add punishments for those who engage in such activities to serve as a deterrent.

You can read the entire letter below. If you are alarmed and disturbed by the NSA's activities that have been revealed over the last month then you can also visit StopWatching.Us, which offers American citizens the ability to directly contact their elected representatives to demand oversight and reform, echoing the concerns of the coalition letter. The petition will also allow non-US persons to communicate their concerns directly to the White House. Frankly, everyone in the world has a right to sign onto this letter because the broad surveillance the NSA has been engaging in has been going on in other countries as well.