June 4, 2013 by Starlight
Channeled by Caroline K.A.
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to say recently I’ve run into an obstacle in my spiritual path which affected my faith in self, and what I was doing on my spiritual journey. This not only over overwhelmed me for a time, it kept me away from channeling, and everything. I thought the world was crashing down on me, but after releasing my fear over this obstacle in my path, and realizing I had the power to turn it into something positive, I now see this is not so. I’ve got the situation under control as far as understanding it all, I feel called to continue, to keep moving forward at the pace which is best for me at this time. Channeling truly calls to my heart, it is something which I enjoy immensely. If you feel inclined to continue reading, I thank you for doing so. My greatest hope is that these messages will touch others, as they do me, and aid us all in some way towards further understanding and growth which keeps us all moving forward, one step at a time, always with love in our hearts, and the greatest of light to shine the way.
With love,
- Caroline-
Dearest one, much time has passed since our last communication. We are overjoyed your heart chose to work with us again, in spite of any difficulties you have experienced within your being at this time. Let us remind you, and all who read these words, the experiences you see as troublesome, or as trials and tribulations which have seemingly befallen you for no apparent reason, are not random events or occurrences.
With all our hearts, we understand this may cause despair and heart ache, but each step along your spiritual journey, every obstacle, every trial, including the great leaps forward which come with understanding and enlightenment are all part of the process in your learning and growth while you exist here in this lifetime, and in this school of learning.
At the time you experience these occurrences, they are indeed difficult, but when there is absolute faith in the divine plan, and when there is trust that all will eventually reveal that which is for your greatest good, the light ahead of you will shine brightly once again.
Your hearts will swell with an immense love which permanently resides within you, as solutions, and realizations openly come forth. Obstacles which caused you fear, those which appeared as ominous and indestructible will crumble before your very eyes, and you will move forward dear hearts. You will move forward, and continue this wonderful journey you chose to embark on at this most joyous time to be alive.
You will come to terms with why these obstacles were presented to you in this lifetime, that which is especially designed for specific areas which need extra work from you, all which are vital to your growth and learning. Once you understand this, it will bring new light, and understanding into your hearts. It will enable you to carry on with more courage, and strength than ever before, even when you thought you had none left.
We are with you dear hearts, and you will not fall, this we assure you. For this reason we continue to send you messages of the heart, and throughout your daily lives for all of this will give you strength to move forward and continue your designated paths back to source; to the great and never ending love of the Creator, and to your divine truth. We remind you, the knowledge of all truth, regarding who you are lies deep within your hearts.
Although many of you still do not believe in the incredible magnitude of your BE-ingness. We your guides, and angels have immense faith in you and your capabilities to complete this journey. We understand, perhaps more than you do, exactly what you are capable of, even if some of you do not. Our faith in all of you is of the grandest proportions, it is never-ending, and you must believe, you are loved and cherished unconditionally. We only ask that you love your selves equally so.
Fear will keep you bound and tied within the confines of dualistic ways of thinking, being and believing. Fear will keep you under its programming until you decide to release the chains which bind you. It is up to you to gather courage, to let go of what no longer serves you, and to fully embrace love which is the essence of you, in the grandest of context, and embrace the great love which surrounds each and every one of you, from us, your guides, angels, and galactic families.
Fear should no longer have permission to reside in your hearts, for this is not the way of the higher dimensions, as all of you are moving forwards into these realms even as we speak this day. Your soul is guiding you dear ones, listen to it. Trust you are all on the path, and you are all awakening to the truth of who you are.
Many have forgotten this loving aspect of yourselves, and your divine truth, but the time has come where you will remember. You are so close, and we are elated at the nearing proximity of these events.
The truth of all truths is at hand, and we say this not only for you, the individual, but for your entire planet, as many truths will be divulged in the coming days. You are so incredibly close.
We ask that you trust what your heart tells you from here on out. Do not let fear over take you, for this is simply an illusion to keep you subdued and in control, as many of you well know by now.
Feel with your hearts. Love is everything, and where love abounds, fear cannot reside. It is impossible.
We leave you for now. We shall speak again dear ones, we bid you farewell, and may you go in peace.