Sophia Love – The Fierce Power Of Agape – 1 September 2012
You reside in a field of love. Your very base programming begins there. It is the spark of each other that joins you. Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own.
When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred. It is you that has stirred your own soul.
What this moment is about is a shedding of our skin of self-loathing. What is not perfection is not true. The veil that we speak of is not draped between ourselves and others – but hanging, invisibly, as a barrier to the truth. It is you on the other side of that veil – gloriously abundant and here now on purpose. Your vessel will push waves of light cascading over all of creation, creating tsunamis of love.
For love is a force. Love is here because you are here. It arrives unbidden whenever you do. It takes a being of unimaginable power to embody divinity. It takes you.
We are the one you’ve been waiting for.
Nice wave graPHIC. PERFect
Nice wave graPHIC. PERFect mirror to the one I had on my phone. Think I changed it to flowers...god I'm tried. Met lots of awesome people tonight though. Wish they wouldn't keep thinking I'm crazy just because of how in flux I am...trying to anchor everyone to the right vibration is a LOT of fucking work. I haven't lost my mind -- please stop asking. Oh yeah...and he'll be okay I think and his buddy too. They just needed to ride it out..Can someone please fix my passwords at work tomorrow so I can take care of my team -- unless I'm not met to. Also, I miss hanging out with I any closer? and where is AX? le? ...