SophiaLove - The choice

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The choice




You come with all your parts in order and with every potential realized.  You only have to awaken to this truth.  There is nothing you cannot experience if that is your wish.  You are Gods.  Creator beings experiencing the results of your thought while forgetting it was you who thought them there in the first place.

You’ve woken up.  With an open heart look beyond what yesterdays dream has shown you, and dream tomorrow.  It has no choice but to be realized in the Now.  This is how it works.  This moment in time has amplified everything.  Use it to your advantage and step into the world you’ve longed to inhabit.

Whatever it takes to see, smell, taste, touch and hear the life of your deepest longing – do it.  Use vision boards, post it notes, audio recordings, magazines photos, wish boxes and conversations to rev up your perfect world.

Are you gorgeous?  See it.  Are you vibrant?  Feel it.  Is there peace?  Love it.  Is there abundance?  Share it.  Are you loved?  Of course.

We’ve created 2012 and we are, right now, creating 2013.  With joy, exuberance and relentless optimism let’s visualize our future.  This is where we are now.  No longer are we looking for someone to tell us what will unfold – we are pulling back the curtain ourselves.

We’ve accomplished the incredible so far – let’s be sure to pat ourselves on our backs while we reach ever further into our dreams.

This dense fog of duality will not stop showing us whatever we’ve believed was true.  We know better now.  It is only true as long as we believe it is true.  The truth is that all you see, all you are, and all you are here to do, is love. 

My sleep dream of a few nights ago had me deliberately drive my car straight into a tree.  My family was there, watching me do it.  They did not try to stop me.  No one was hurt, but the car I was driving was no longer functional.  Stuff was leaking from the bottom of it and spewing out the top.  I’d definitely need a new one.

This reality is no longer working. With deliberate intent I am constructing its demise.  I’m done.  This no longer works.  It is time to move on.  The destruction of the car signified a choice point, exactly where I find myself now.  In the dream, I kept on going after the crash, as well as my family, but the car was finished.  It served me right up until it hit that tree, the tree that was placed strategically at the end of the driveway.  

We are finished with this 3D experiment.  It’s time for another choice.  We can so do this.  We showed up for this very moment.  It is time.  We are the one’s we were waiting for. 

