Denize's picture


by GLR Liora


♥~ A SOUL MATE is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. Your cycle of life will take many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will enter to teach you in a strong way about yourself. Many would like to think they are married with a soul mate, but truly not as many as would like to be are living this relationship. It is a special meeting and one that will most likely alter your life. This could be positive or negative depending on where you stand in self. Also, a soul mate in this lifetime could be different than in another lifetime. There are instances when one travels in several lifetimes together. Your soul family is quite large and for purposes of learning, at times, you may work or set up a connection with a soul mate from another soul family. So in that instance they would be your soul mate. Also a soul mate could be the exact gender, or opposite, depending on what you came to experience. Often times a romantic relationship is not in the life plan, because everything at this level is about clearing up with self. We have spent some lives in dear soul mate relationships, while others are meant for the souls study and advancement.

THE TWIN FLAME is the ultimate. There is no need to look further for Source as this is experienced with one another. The joy at this time, as we have prepared long for this event, is overwhelming even for the many Ascended Masters awaiting this reunion. You are the same Godspark that came from the loving embrace of mother/father God. It is quite a gift that we are coming into harmony with the one other half of ourselves. There is much disbelief with this event, and I can only tell you that it is well worth the wait. For those who refuse to accept, you only prolong your advancement as many ascensions are tied into the reunification with the twin flame. After working to reconnect and taking the time everyday and night to complete the energy work necessary, your twin flame is then known as the Consort. Both your missions are one and the same. The responsibility is held equally by both of you. At this point you have proven yourself worthy of the title as together you have both conquered the densities to return as one love, one life, one entity.

Shared By Liora




wereallhischildren's picture


Hello there,

I would first like to say Thank U, for U'R service to Humanity...I know that OUR Father WILL be very pleased. I have been working on a story since October, 2010, about life and my purpose... I've been searching for answers about how and why we are here in this creation called life. I'm sure U R aware of the Plan of Salvation that is currently under way, and it seems as if this is what some of US agreed to come here to do...I have been spinning my wheels to every one that I come into contact with, but they think I beat Jack over the cuckoo's nest ;-) Jack Nicholson, 1975... for U youngters out there :-) My question to U is this...Have you been given any infomation about the Lamb of GOD, or the wedding supper of the LAMB?  Thank U...WE Have been Blessed>>>3





No I haven't

Denize's picture

And I wouldnt be interested in the topic as well dear,...


The new energies bring new codes and new informations...I could only suggest to focus on The Now and go to your heart...


Your guides, your earth team will bring the exact information you need...


Trust The Light....


New Light codes are giving out...


or just good luck with your research & with your ascension...



Love & Light