The Presidential war, I mean debates were typical as ever, but that’s due to the original design of them. Democrat vs Republican. I think Romney looks great for 65, and they both seem sincere in wanting to assist us. This is not about who takes office. The referee to call him by his obvious acting roll, was instagating them, was he not? The most points next day go to the one that "battles" best, not to the one that shows the Heart that he is there to serve us the people that appoint him. This showed me quite clearly that we are in over our heads at the mercy of those that have been titled the elite, cabal, illuminate and the black hats among some titles. If we don’t have “Legions of Angles, (ETs) that are wiser and more advance as in love over war type scenarios, then we are in for some turbulence that we by ourselves have proven over and over for thousands of years that we stand little to no chance in resolve one more time again. Unless.
We need unity now as always, but now is a different now than the now we were in as the group Soul that we are. This now is about 70 days away from 12/12/2012, which is the beginning of the end of the 12/21/2012 cycle, which is a cycle, within a cycle, within a cycle, etc.
Did you know of this? For the sake of space and time, without elaborating the details here I will give the jest of it. It’s the end of the year cycle, give or take a few days, this just a yearly cycle, but it’s also the end of several cycles within one another. Every 3,600 years a planet called planet X or Nibiru swings by for a bit, Dec, 2012 is the peak time, then the Mayan cycle of every 5,125 is up, then, the 13,000 years of the Atlantis and Lemuria cycle, then 26,000 years going into and through the Photon Belt and this within a two point some million year cycle and one that is 4 ½ billion years close to the age of Gaia, (Mother Earth) and even one that is somewhere at 14, 16 or 19 billion years depending on the researchers accuracy of these? The point is the intensity of cycles within cycles.
As I have written a book that includes the cycles in a numerological way, once I tested these. I went out to a dance club on the day of a 9 day cylclem this within a one month, four month, and one year, cycle and there was a full moon that night. This took place in the late 70s. I sat strategically between two ladies at the bar. A lady from a party of 5 at the tables came up to me handed me a fifty dollar bill and told me what to order and pointed to her table, she was gorgeous so I followed her instructions. The gal on my left asked if I knew them, I said, “not yet.” “She trusted you with that much money?” She asked, She reached over and kissed me, a long wet one, wow, she was good at it. The one on my right did the same and was good at it as well and they didn’t ever know each other. I got the drinks and brought them to the table of 5 and ended up making out with 2 or them for a time while the others danced. I felt the test was complete enough so I went home to my live-in at the time girl friend. I was in my 20s, Okay.
This has not been the norm of my life and so many times out to the clubs looking for love in all the wrong places I wish it was. True story, just to let you know that when cycles are compiled within each other, all hell or Heaven will burst forth.
Right now with what we are confronted with no matter your systems of belief, we all need to pay heed. It has been said that when two or more of my people come together the power is greatly enhanced. I have witnessed tooth fillings turn to gold before when about 50 members of a church came together in like cause with prayer. Can you imagine what will happen when seven billion ones come together in prayer, meditation, or what ever you wish to call "going within." It doesn’t have to be at the same time, if everyone would segment 5 minutes of each of their days, once or twice, that will put tens to hundreds of millions together simultaneously with all the different timelines around Earth. This is an easy as well as simple reqest from one of you, me.
Until we go within, we will continue to go without.
If you think it’s important to vote or to place you bets to win on anythin. Then place your bet on this and you will magnify your power times much more than you ever imagined it could be.
In the timeline that has now arrived unto us all now, this is of extreme importance.
Just as simple as a child would do, focus on your heart (Place where God lives), The Kingdom is here, and invisige love for all that comes to mind, that’s it. You don’t need to make it anything more than that, just "be still" for a while and let is soak in.
Now let me express “Who” it is that’s adding “Their” energies to the group of humanity…….“YOU.”
Now let me share with you who You really are while keepinf this in mind. One "Spark" can set the whole forest on fire! You are that powerful.
“All these things I have done, so shall ye do also, and even greater things than these shall ye do.” Who exactly do you think that He was talking to? “Has it not been written in your laws, that I have said ye are all Gods?” And again Who do you believe He was talking to and for exactly when, maybe later or now?
You can find these kinds of teachings in the Yahweh, Koran, Bhagavad-Gita and most of the other scriptural books written about us. Many scrolls have this information and much more direct to the point information of Who You really are, but much has been deleted, hidden or edited by those that don’t want you to know because they would loose control of their flock. Although the keep much of it at the Vatican volts aroung to wolrd believe it or not, for future posiblities.
~Bottom line coming soon~
Most of you believe that you are a “Spark” of God, right? This part is easily exceptible to most of us. But just how far do we go into the truth of it's potencey and the acceptance of it?
Now pay especially close attention to the following information, as it has the power to change your life to a level that will never reverse.
Do you believe that you are a Spark of God? Yes, no or maybe?
Okay, let’s just work with the one’s that said yes for now.
How much of this “Spark” is you and then how much of It would be God?
If God allow removal of a “Spark” of It’s-Self to de-vibrate or lower It-Self into the pits of such an obviously low vibrational frequency of existence, then just how much of that “Spark” remained in tack, full, whole, God?
For those who may not believe that they are at least a spark of The Creator, I'll get back to you in another life span.
Of this "Spark", which part or segment or particle or cell, molecule, atom, sub-atomic atom, electron, neutron, nucleolus, proton, bozon, ozon, photon or quarks is not God? Okay, if you answered none, this is obvious even to a child that it would be the correct answer. And as you have been advised only when you can be as a child shall you be walking through those pearly Gates, right?
Okay now how many of you believe that you are God? Just what I thought, only the ones that have not believed what the controlling elitist have taught. They do a very good job of putting the hell-fire gospel in you the way in which they wanted you to understand it, didn’t they? Fear will keep you hear, and that's their main ingredient.
Okay, those who don’t believe that they are God, go to the rear of the line and smoke another number, I mean take another number. All others "rise up" at this timeline please and take your seats next to Me right over here by My Throne, hey you, not too close you’ll get finger prints all over the gold part, and your stepping on my robe, you’d think that We were very close huh? Aha I’m just jiving wit-ya, go ahead have a seat right here on My Throne, bet you thought I was gonna’ get all wrathful and stuff huh?
A “Spark” of God can be nothing other than God, can you see this? There can be no part of that “Spark” that is not I. What else could it become and how could I become something else that I AM not? And why would I? If God sends out a Spark of Her Self, He is not divided the way 3D of duality/polarity would have you understand it to be. Keep in mind I AM omnipresent. There is no part of Me anywhere in all realms of My Universes, dimensions, multi and omni Universes and dimensions that is not all of Me. I AM ALL and All is I. Do You get this? As soon as you do, you may get back in line for entry, or in the authentic term, “re-entry.”
Yes You are a “Spark” off the ol’ Block and if it’s not obvious enough to you “out there” with all that I have created in the dimension You/I chose to express in for a “time,” that there is enough of Me to go around, then you’ll just have to wait until you can find another member of “the establishment" to give you the truth from the heart rather than what he/she learned through the human versions that are base on fear. Fear’s okay but the only reason that I created it was to show you what it’s like to be away from home and to prompt your return when you’ve had enough of that experience.
You’ve heard, “Home is where the Heart is?” Do you know how exact that is? The best things on My Gaia, the planet you chose for expression, cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt through the Heart.
Want to really get to re-know Me, meaning, remember Who You Are, Just fall in love with all that you sense in any and all realities you experience at any “time” of said experience and you will, I promise.
I love you All as much as I love My Self and now you know why. On your way back Home I’ll come down and visit you in 5D so We can integrated that with 4 and 3D, it’s about that Heaven on Earth thing ya been asking for.
Happy Thanksgiving, see you just before Christmas.