Special Solstice Message!

Rain's picture

The Galactic Free Press Update:
The Ball is Rolling and the Truth is Coming Out!

Bringing Humanity Home ~

Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth


Greetings Love Beings, When We announced that Once the ball got rolling it was going to roll fast and we were not kidden! You can See this energy on the move in the rising protests that are popping up across the Planet with police joining the protesters and the continuing Support for WhistleBlowers and Truth~Love Speakers who are revealing that which has been hidden.  All secrets will be revealed And is Now Underway on All Levels of this Planets vibrational frequencies! As a result multi~tudes of Beings will be now stepping forward.

 Brave WhistleBlower Edward Snowden: “Truth is Coming and It Cannot be Stopped.”


 Quoted from David Icke ".....The People are speaking already ~ we have had enough and the world is going to change....." End of Quote

More: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-ball-rolling-and-truth-coming-out-0

