Written by Wes Annac
With everything happening in my Life and on the spiritual stage at this moment, I feel a very strong desire to give a personal update and detail how the energies of this time are treating me personally. We had expected a much earlier spring around here than what seemed to be delivered, as the snow lasted for longer than anticipated but now, the springtime energies are more than making themselves known and the wonderful vibrations prevalent all around are expanding exponentially as a result.
I can remember being a child and looking forward to this time of the year, because we are able to get out and enjoy the beautiful blossoming weather rather than staying inside away from the extreme temperatures. Of course, even with spring blooming we are already feeling the summer energies around here, but the change in season seems to have heralded a vastly-expanded state of consciousness that I’m finding myself able to attune to with relative ease.
I’ve found more blissful states of consciousness in the last two weeks than I have perhaps ever found, and even the bold metaphysical experiences I was blessed with having around the 21st pale in comparison to the ease in which I’m able to access purely blissful states of being. Lately, it seems as if a simple breath will draw in so much pure energy, and that same breath will help me to find the purest states of meditation that I’m overjoyed to be able to get into.
Don’t even get me started about the channeling! People have told me before that the messages coming through are “prolific” to use that term but truly, the impressions from the higher realms are shooting through so quickly and purely that my fingers can hardly keep up anymore!
In general, it seems as if everything is expanding at present, at least for me personally. As always, I offer a personal update in hopes that it will assist those of you who may experience similar things as me, and I do recognize that on one side of the world much of what I’m saying about the blossoming spring is not relatable, because you dear readers are entering into fall.
I would ask every one of you experiencing the current change of the seasons if you are feeling the same or similar expanded states of consciousness to what I’ve been able to feel. Even while my family and I have been stressing about getting out on our own and getting the house we have been nearly-endlessly discussing on the blog, those quite moments of contemplation and channeling have proven fruitful in terms of what I’ve been able to feel from them.
“Intensified” would be the best word to describe it. We were told by the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes last month about the apparent March Intensification, and it seems that it’s being built upon in this already-beautiful and bountifully-energetic month of April. I urge all of you who have previously dealt with cold weather to get out and enjoy what Gaia is offering in this current moment, because we are being given quite a peek into what’s to come.
Obviously, the world stage continues to fruitfully show that change has arrived, unpacked its bags and shows no desire of leaving anytime soon. More and more, we are seeing situations where good is triumphing over evil and as we’ve been told, it seems that everyone who has remained steadfast to their personal spiritual growth and surfacing as well as the transmuting of the collective density has helped to bring this about.
At this very moment, I will happily encourage each one of you to “keep on keeping on” because the game is about to become much more enjoyable and indeed, for many of us it already has!
Wes Annac – Enjoying the springtime vibrations of a new era.
Image: http://thundercloud.net/screensavers2004/spring-has-sprung/logo.jpg