St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

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St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

Saint Germaine delivers a message of hope to the Lightworker community, and warns that the Venus Transit has the highest potential for chaos.


Tr. Sean, Ed. Sandra, M

JKM 3-12-12 Message from St. Germaine about the Ascension Dynamics of the Light Worker Community

Judith in Denver and Sean in Kelowna 5:15 am PST

There is a great destiny fulfilled from the union of spiritual forces that have joined together. Because the veil has been so thin and because of the power of the cosmic forces, there is a dynamic that is unique now on the planet. Through the years of the awakening, the spirit workers, the light workers have awakened vortex centers and opened power gates, star gates and cleared ancient sacred sites. Through these years the veils have been, there is a participation in spiritual centers all over the planet with the spiritual ancestors, the light workers and cosmic forces.

The group that has been prepared and awakened as sensitives and energy channels, they have received the initiations. They have been prepared and awakened. Their skill level is far more advanced than what it was 5 years ago and the cumulative factor between the development within the spiritual community of light workers of energy skills, working with the harmonics, working with the flow of energy, staying in the heart, sensitivity to the energies of the area, sensitivity to the spiritual ancestors, sensitivity to the cosmic forces and cooperation with the star brethre -- all of these factors have refined the system of energy dynamics on the planet that is extraordinarily unique and powerful.

The effectiveness of spiritual groups have enhanced the gathering of souls to co create together as light workers and spiritual communities. They are able to work in a dynamic field now that requires skill. It requires bringing forth of spiritual gifts. It requires spiritual cooperation and co creation -- all of which are enhanced in many of the energy groups of light workers.

The light workers have also formed a net of light and a support for each other, that is global. They are able to focus when one group is working in a certain area, and there are hot spots on the planet that need to be worked with. The community as a whole is able to focus and support the energetics, both on an individual and a collective level. This is called light work team building systems.

The Preparation has been guided by the Ascended Masters by the Archangels and by the guides in the higher dimensions.

The other factor that has truly raised the quality of vibration and the consciousness is that the light worker community is moving into a more powerful ability to work in multi dimensional fields. These are all the things, that upon awakening, each individual and light worker community had to become responsive to. It is one thing to be aware that you are multi dimensional. It is another to actually develop the skills to work in the multi dimensions. There are a quantum number of light workers now who are able to maintain the heart line, stay in the sacred center, and be flexible enough to stay grounded in the 3rd dimension, while working through the veil in many dimensions simultaneously.

The result of all of this is that a higher, purer quality of energy has resulted from this. So the result is higher purer quality of energy. This energy is effective in both activating spiritual forces on the planet and simultaneously clearing old negative energy where it has been held in the spiritual centers where the ancestors knew the power of cosmic forces, the power of the Earth, that they were high intensity centers.

Those are centers that have also been affected by the extreme duality of negative and positive forces of, what is called, evil and good.

The light worker community now are developing the skills to clear out old pockets of negative energy that adversely affected the capacity for the sacred sites to resonate with harmonics and Divine energy. Many of the light worker communities that come in to be groups, in areas such as Kauai, are able to move the energy through their heart, transform and transmute negativity without becoming hooked by the energy and involved with it and affected by the negativity.

They are able to allow it to heal and transform without disrupting the power of the sacred work they have come there to do. Kauia is a beautiful example of how the human dynamic was minimized with the chaos factors. The heart was opened and the spiritual forces of humans and the non-physical realm were cooperative with the whales, the spiritual kahunas, the kahunas of light, the warrior gods, the elementals and the light worker community.

This kind of dynamic takes practice. The light worker community has had to develop the skills, and without much time. But it has taken years of life times of preparation for what they are able to do now. Many of the individuals and light worker communities are drawing on their initiations from past lives and the master teachings that they have, that they are carrying in their spiritual consciousness, and they are able to access those fields now.

So there is a dynamic, not just in Kauai, but with light worker groups all over the planet. Kauai is a good example of how that dynamic could work in its pure sense, to accomplish the balance that is needed for the Earth, to accomplish the capacity for the energy to flow into vortex systems and into the world grid, rather than to deflect into negative destructive patterns. Remember, much of the energy from the cosmos is energy. It is how it is applied and channeled in a cooperative field of harmony and peace with the dynamic of the original blueprint in place. That is how, now, the cosmic forces are being effective because of this level of cooperation and co creation.

The energy in the crystal grid is flowing in a less obstructive way. There are still obstructions in many places on the planet where violence and fear obstruct the energy, or old dynamics obstruct the energy. But, by and large, the crystal grid is open and there is a vital flow of energy between the immortal centers of consciousness, the eternal centers of Oneness and cosmic centers that are connected in the light web on the planet in the crystal grid.

So, what has happened in Kauai is automatically, in an Omni way, received in Stonehenge, received in Giza, because the people have been there to do the energy work that is needed. And more and more are spreading out into areas of the planet to do the work in Nepal, to do the work in Africa, to prepare the grid, to clear the energy systems. So that, now, there is a living body of energy working, simultaneously and in harmony, from center to center, from group to group and through the veil with cosmic forces, through the veil, with the dynamics of the Master plane and through the veil with the ancient energies of Earth, itself.

It is the opening of the alignment to the cosmic source that could either result in extreme devastation or ascension, and the flow of this conscious vibration and energy has moved through the vortex centers, through the heart line into the ascension vibration. Thus, the dynamics of energy on the planet are supported for wholeness.

This is a foundation for a greater shift yet to come in the collective. This particular statement needs to be one that is thought about and really contemplated. There is a foundation energy with the crystal grid, the immortal temples of light and the light worker community that is the foundation for the greater dynamic shift for the collective, because the energy systems are in place, and working with quantum energetics and harmonics of light and sound frequencies, that are heart frequencies, that are omni frequencies, and that reach the quantum energetics much quicker because there is less obstruction and more opening to the dynamic of the blue print of the Great Plan Prophecy. That dynamic guides the work at hand.

There are still places within these communities where individual's egos are still influencing the chaos, and their inability to be totally cooperative with other light workers. But even this minor ego dynamic that creates chaos at times and personal conflict within groups - because the energy becomes so intense - even these dynamics are not enough to infringe on the power of this work, because the overall collective energy, because there are enough light workers now who are flowing with the heart, who have the initiations and who have truly stepped into being masters of flow, masters of surrender, and masters of co creation and cooperation.

This is a building system, but the foundation is there, in a new way, on the planet. Also each of the groups have been able to utilize the God intention of the cosmic energy. They have been fertile loam for the power. And because they have been fertile loam for the power of the Cosmic forces, with the God intention, being the guiding factor, those individuals have been elevated in skill. They have been elevated in their capacity to yet expand the principle and the dynamics of light consciousness, harmonics and Oneness. Many of the Star Councils and the Master realms have observed this dynamic, and there is a celebration, a great congratulation for this job well done. You are all Olympians. You have truly met the challenge, and the effects on the dynamics of core energetics of the Earth are quantum effects.

The recommendation is to continue to allow the energy to flow through the heart source, allowing yourself to be less attached to any dynamic of personal chaos, and more open to flowing with Divine Purpose and Divine Harmony. This is an exercise. Everything you do is both and accomplishment and an exercise.

This particular period of time has brought in new skill levels and there will be a lot more chaos in 2012. The chaos factor is mounting on the planet. Remember, you are living in the End Times, and the dynamic forces of the planet are very delicate and extremely powerful right now. The word 'delicate' is used because the balance can be lost quite easily. It can tip into chaos. It can tip into hooking into negative energies. It will require, in 2012, flexibility, flow, fluidity, generosity and grace -- mainly grace because the challenges that lay ahead are far greater than the challenges that you have faced so far.

But you have the skills now. You have the ability. You have the comprehension and the cooperation. Build on those skills. When you find another light worker who is able to meet you at the heart and you come into a group that is able to meet at the heart, build on the skills, build on the ability to co create and cooperate. Discipline your mind. Observe what is out of balance but don't become what is out of balance, because it is easy now to step back and forth across the line between balance and chaos.

Thus, if you are aware ahead of time that the chaos factor will increase, that (there are) opportunities for ego and chaotic personal relationships to interfere with your process, the opportunities will become even more intense. But you have skills you have never had before, you have capacity you have never had before. And you have drawn on the resources of building these systems through lifetimes of initiations and preparations for these times.

You are not just this life and you know it. You are multidimensional and you are a spirit being that now can remember the lessons of spirit, can remember the skills that you have built through lifetime after lifetime. Draw on that foundation energy that supports the wholeness of your spiritual mission and the flow of cosmic forces through you. These times will be so powerful that, if you stop the heart flow, for even a bit of time, the chaos will be immeasurable. The reaction to energy will be higher than it has ever been. The reaction to energy will be at a high velocity plane.

So this is an opportunity for you to step back and embrace yourself and give yourself a hug of 'well done'. And at the same time, take a deep breath, knowing that the skills you have now, as they say in the old days, rest on your laurels. The skills you have now, must be refined. You must train yourself even further in the art of surrender, in the art of co creation, in the art of flow and the capacity to stay in your heart center.

Because what is coming to the Venus transit is the highest possible, most intense potential for the chaos factor on the planet, to act out in many places in extreme duality.

Your light worker community must hold the sacred center for the whole collective dynamic, even when things around you, in the global dynamics, become chaotic. You must be able to allow the cosmic forces to flow through the sacred heart center in a cooperative energy that focuses on the Promise and the agreement that you made to be here now on the planet, to participate with these cosmic forces and with each other, and to have the greatest joy because you are sensitive, you are awake and you are able now to meet each other in the sacred center.

Here in the past, frequently, the invitation would be there but you didn't have the capacity. Now you have the capacity.

This is a message of encouragement, a message of congratulations and a message of awareness that you are not through the most intense part of this journey. It is yet to come.

Being in the now, totally present in your heart, is the key -- and you know this. This is not news to you, as an individual, as a light worker.

St. Germaine comes in speaking of alchemy, speaking in the capacity to participate with the energetics of the non physical dimensions through the purest of Divine Alchemy. St. Germaine has established guidance in the purest energy of the Germaine principle with an alchemist, and you are the alchemist and you are the community of St. Germaine. That now St. Germaine is working through that community for the purest and the highest alchemy. St. Germaine speaks saying, look not to what you do, but take joy in what is done through you. Look not to that which you understand as being the ultimatum, but know that there are dynamics beyond your comprehension and alchemical forces at work now that are reshaping the destiny of Earth.

St. Germaine is guiding you and assisting you in these vibrations that are effective in transforming fear into love. St. Germaine speaks saying that you are the community that he has (been) called forth in a cooperative spirit of Divine Alchemy, and beyond that which you know or are able to understand, there are dynamics of geometric alchemy moving into place that create infrastructure of light for the consciousness of Oneness to manifest in the physical dimensions.

These alchemical geometries are stable fields. They are constructed of love and they are directed at the purpose of Universal Oneness, with no regard to serve personal gain, but focused totally on the highest and purest principle of the Law of Universal Oneness.

These alchemical geometries are in place now and will supersede faulty dynamics of old energy systems that were weak and imperfect. St. Germaine speaks now saying, the violet crystal field is energized and the dynamic of the St. Germaine Principle is fully activated in the harmonics of Universal Oneness. This means that you, with all of your sincerity to serve the light, to serve love and to serve the highest and the best for the Earth at this time, that you have a foundation of dynamic crystalline alchemy working in your field that is a complete crystalline structure.

St. Germaine speaks saying that love is the dynamic that fuels this force and supports you through these challenges, that you have the resources to draw upon because the Divine Alchemy is in place. St. Germaine speaks saying, you are blessed. You are of the light and you are readied. You are worthy for the task at hand. You are readied. Blessed Be.


I am in a really deep trance, Sean. He came through very powerfully. I felt the first part of the transmission was really an evaluation for the Master Plane of the dynamics for the light worker community, but then it switched and went into a very deep and powerful St. Germaine vibration. So the second part of the transmission was actually channeling frequencies from St. Germaine.
