STANDING ROCK MESSAGE: #OneHeart #OneMind #ThePeopleWillBeOne ❤

hollyirenecardoza's picture

FROM THE TRIBAL HISTORICAL PRESERVATION OFFICER AT STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE, JON EAGLE SR.: "Today is a good day. As I sit here this morning I keep reflecting back to when the Hunkpapa first gathered to pray, to ask for good direction, strength and protection to defend our land and water, we had no idea how powerful that prayer was going to become. That prayer went all the way around the world and has now united over 200 tribes. People from many nations and walks of life have also come and are still coming. When the council lodge was set up and we gathered to listen to our elders we said, It's been 140 years since the Oceti Sakonwin stood together. Today we say, this has never happened before, no one has ever seen a gathering like this on this continent. Something beautiful and powerful is happening. Now is the time to unite and as indigenous people bring climate change to the forefront again. There are alternatives to fossil fuel but there is no alternative to water. Stand with strong hearts. #OneHeart #OneMind #ThePeopleWillBeOne"

Oceti Sakonwin The Seven Council Fires are:
Mdewakanton - Dwellers by the Sacred Lake Wahpekute
- Shooters Among the Leaves Sisitonwan/Sisseton
- People of the Marsh Wahpetonwan
- Dwellers Among the Leaves Ihanktown/Lower Yanktonai
- People of the End Ihanktowana/Upper Yanktoni
- People of the Little End Tetonwan
- People on the Plains

The seven bands of the Tetonwan, or Teton group are:
Hunkpapa Camps at the Horn (Standing Rock & Wood Mountain, Canada)
Sicangu/Brule' - Burnt Thigh (Rosebud & Lower Brule) Itazipo/Sans Arc
- Without Bows (Cheyenne River) Sihasapa
- Blackfeet (Cheyenne River & Standing Rock) Oglala
- Scatters His Own (Pine Ridge) Oohenumpa
- Two Kettles (Cheyenne River) Mniconjou
Planters by the River (Cheyenne River)" - Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center
