Star Knowledge Conference family gathering~Orbs at mount shasta

Lia's picture

This is my Star Knowledge Family including many of the Lakota Chiefs, Mayan Elders and Sacred Grandmothers, and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Mark DrDream Peebler, Loren Zephier, Rev. Jean Holmes,  Kim Bright and so many more were doing ceremonies at Mt Shasta for Venus Transit a year ago today...

I took one of the most intense of my Ascension Initiations and expansion of my Light Body that very time of the transit.

Harmony Fronterhouse just posted this video of the closing ceremonies and the Snake Dance and all the Orbs there, that everyone was filming...

In all the ceremonies I have done, I have NEVER seen orbs as this. Literally at this gathering there were hundreds of Chakra Activated and Light Body Initiated individuals coming together making one of the most majical times I have ever experienced...

That shows in the orbs in this video... Literally thousands were joining with us...

Happy Anniversary My Dear Friends.... Lookie at the changes that have been made on Mother Earth since we came together for this most sacred event!

Bill Ballard



alan's picture

Hi Bill 

              I have been following you on you tube , thank you for your words of love ,I have

had  an amazing awakening two years ago and since then i get daily visits from these orbs .

These are multi dimentional beings / transcendental beings of loving energy . I have a page

on the federation  of light and i post regular videos and pics on there and some of my friends have made comments about the orbs , some were saying that they could see angels

in the energy and one woman also said she could see metatron and seraphim"s also , I have never said to anyone what these orbs were because i did not know what they were until people on diffirent spiritual sites responded to my videos and are saying very similar comments about the orbs , my latetest video i posted on the 4th june on youtube is called

SNOWING ORBS 4. It is because of my awakening that i have found you and so many others

awakened souls , i am very excited about what is to be .  I look forward to your videos more than others i dont know why maybe it is because we are tuned into the same level

of frequency .   


               love & light to you bill        Alan