Lia's picture


with Starkeepers

By the

Nahoku Reynolds Kamakawiwoole
& Linda Hostalek D.O

MGM Grand Lion,
Las Vegas, Nevada
August 4, 2012
at 11:11am PST

~ Ceremony FREE ~

(Details for a Following Portal Tour are below)

In association with http://

Come join us for this StarGate Activation to ascend and join your Galactic family!

Nahoku, Reynolds Kamakawiwoole, Kahuna coming from Hawaii, will give you a personal code that will activate you and allow you access to the sacred portal where your galactic family awaits contact with you.

Linda Hostalek, D.O., healer, mystic, shaman, traveling from Illinois, will prepare you for your activation.

Together they will perform ceremony to activate the galactic portal.

This activation will allow access to open up your luminous body to receive contact.

Special information will be passed to you regarding the Agarthians of inner earth as well as an incredible opportunity to experience the 6 Sacred Portals of Las Vegas
We have traveled many miles to honor this sacred contract with the Divine

This is meant to bring about our FREEDOM in Spirit, Mind and Body, to enhance our own spiritual journey of discovery &
evolution to the Pure Light Body of Love that we are, from our own Sacred Heart within.

No Matter What Religion Or What the Level Of Your Spiritual Growth Is,
THIS IS A GIFT FOR ALL on the Planet to experience – that WE on Mother Earth have been waiting for!
NOW IS THE TIME! Bring your family & friends ~ Please Spread the Word!

~This is a VERY Special Rare Event you will NOT want to miss!~

We pray that if you feel moved to do the same that you will join us, either in person or in spirit

For more information:
Reynolds Kamakawiwoole 808-937-3452
Linda Hostalek D.O. 618-727-4652

Donations gratefully accepted and appreciated

(Suggested donation for the Portal Tour is $10 each Portal

Est. time: 4-6hrs total ~ following Ceremony)
Thank you for your assistance for this self-funded event - guided by Spirit

Individual healing sessions will also be available for donation*
Contact Reynolds & Linda for scheduling & individual pricing*


This image was taken of the Sun during the last
Ceremony of this Journey* at the St. Louis Arch
6/23/12 - Evidence of the Restoration of the Christ
Light that day - occurs only once every 26,000
years. Photo taken in Indiana, & lasted more than
5 mins. This rainbow was also visible instantly &
photographed right at the St. Louis Arch, where
nearly 400 were gathered in person & in Spirit
for this Event. The moment the complete list of
350 names of those in Spirit was voiced, bringing
the full Group together as ONE…the Rainbow

*Short Background of part of Our Sacred Journey of 2012…As instructed by Divine Source :

(after the Incredible St. Louis Arch ceremony in June)…”We then were instructed to go to serpent mound in Ohio. After the magical ceremony at that Holy Site, with many healings, we headed towards Nashville, TN, but stopped to pay tribute to Abraham Lincoln by stopping at the place of his birth. To our surprise, the spirit of Abraham Lincoln came and told us…We are to help those in spiritual bondage to be free through the Christ light, through the power of Unconditional Love. This echoed in our spirits as we spent time in
prayer and meditation asking for guidance as to where and how this ceremony should be held
We were instructed to go to Las Vegas, where the HEART was harmonized in April, and the sacred portals exist. We have been instructed to anchor the Light of Christ in that place to bless all, but especially those in bondage; physical, spiritual and emotional. This will occur as several arches of white light radiating out of that spot at that particular moment in time as we activate the sacred code. The alchemy created here
will permeate throughout our country and beyond, and will be especially important for those that heal
others, as this energy will shift patterns associated with healing. The places directly affected are Germany,
Arizona, Hawaii, India, UK, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, New Zealand and All Waters

This Healing Will Be Important, Not Only For Those In Attendance (including those in Spirit),

We ask for a special blessing on those who are incarcerated, for their healing will affect our entire society, so that we may come from a place of love and healing, not judgment & shame. We release the prison of guilt and shame and it will be replaced with love and self- respect. Integrity is the new way of life, and as we
bring the light of love and compassion and Make Peace our Goal (Christ’s instructions to us).
We aim to achieve that Divine Mission of transformation through the Christ Light ”

But Also For All People Everywhere Around the World.
