ST.GERMAIN ~ What Are You Attached To?

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Channeler: Aruna Byers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Are You Attached To?

When my chelas are able to leave their dirth of attachments, they will be the next wave's ascension candidates. Walking away can be the most difficult part of the ascension calling. Can this be done NOW? Are you able to leave all of the doors open to the new life and give away the old? Can you completely detach from all of life's possessions and the contents of mind about them? Can they go at any moment, as a result of a natural occurance, and this be met with the attitude, "OK, what's next"? Can they be delivered to another who needs things and this not be a tug on the heart? Choosing to ascend includes this important consciousness.

All of these details are rarely mentioned by those calling for ascension. Ascension is not taking a vacation from this unaware mass consciousness and returning to a "more of the same" condition. None of the things you leave behind will be there when the New Earth calls for its new arrivals from other dimensions.

Can this day move the heart more towards ascension and completion of the drama in third dimension? What must be done? Can anyone give away things as just another day's altruism, because it makes life good for others? Can the continuation of this life be done without acquiring more before you leave? Consider how gifts given to others can detach the heart of the ascension candidate from all things material. Choosing to ascend may look like an absolute commitment, until that moment you must leave your things and go out the door. Are you able to leave and not turn back?

Why do monks go to an unfettered condition to live? So they don't become attached to worldly things. Are things an important part of the life you now lead? Can they become less important?

Continue your life as before, without having more acquisitions as an objective. Christmas will be a good time to see how the mass consciousness controls man's material consciousness. Can this Christmas bring new dreams and new types of gifts to loved ones? How about some bodywork, or a great vegetarian cookbook, or a coat that could get lots of use before ascension. Can the big, expensive toys and games not be considered? Can the gifts of love be less dramatic and more contained? Can gifts be given to others, now that the games and toys of high cost aren't getting chosen? Pick two who are less abundant to give gifts to. Can each member of the family give away two things they value? Are they all going to be able to ascend? Can they leave their material possessions?

Now is the moment to give. Give to anyone that comes to mind. Give money or material gifts to those who have advanced your consciousness. Give to those who are treasured in your heart. Give to those that need a gift. Are the lights going on in your head about Christmas this year? When the majority are not able to go out to buy gifts, can they still get one from those who can? Not necessarily a new item, anything is new to them.

What do you acquire? Crystals, books, tools that do healing? The New consciousness does not need any of these things. Can this new consciousness already be acknowledged? Can you give these material gifts to the dreamers who still need them to get to the New Consciousness? Can the tools for healing be used and then given away? Sharing things begins a new way of being. Instead of "mine and yours", gifting to those who may also give away these gifts to others who need them, begins a love cycle that eliminates contractions. You can demonstrate the love of the New Earth NOW. Why wait?

Gifts can be anything. A piece of cake, a loaf of bread. Choose the gift with the recipient in mind. Can I give this to (....)? Would they like it? Choose the thing that the "other" would ask for if they could allow themselves to ask. Put the resistant mind aside, and give away things that are more important to the other person than for you. Wealth has no bearing on the ability to do this: consciousness does.

Can you let go of the collective attitude of "mine" and "not yours"? Can this be done by the end of this year? Give away the excess. Give away the treasured items that could hold you to this dimension. Are these attachments more important than ascension?

Free yourself of attachment. Clear out mind's desires. Own all of God's creations with a simple change of awareness. Giving to others is the light of God acting through a body. Give, give and give, allowing the heart to lead. Allow the flow to begin by giving away whatever it is that gets the most of your attention. Ascend as One with all, by being more giving!

Answer to Aox10:
No sparks of Higher Self are sprinkled around the universe. All the Universe is the Higher Self.
Higher Self has no responsibilities, it just is. Mind considers things to be responsibilities, not Higher Self.
Man creates the sequence of events, not Higher Self. Man does what is put to him from direct contact with his guides or from ego's mental dialog. Higher Self does nothing.
There is no MY Self that is separate from Higher Self or I AM, all are the same. Imaginary personal "self" has no awareness, other than those limits on I AM consciousness that have been mentally imposed.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
