Greetings Love Beings, The Grid Continues to Light Up as The New Earth energies continue Pouring Into The Planet. AS a result much clearing is underway, as we begin the first stages of the Co~ Creation of the New Earth=Heart. Only those who have moved into Unity Consciousness will Be Experiencing this. Join us Live today beginning at 10:30am Pacific. We will be discussing recent events and messages from Sheldan Nidle, Bill Ballard, Barbra Marx Hubbard, and many more. We will also be discussing what is happening with these current energies, The Co~ Creation of The New Earth, and the wild weather and events over the past couple of Days. Upon Joining us be prepared to enter High Vibrational Energy as this Room represents the Higher Grid. We are Here to Love YOU!
All Who Enter are Affected one way or the other!!! You can Join us At This Link:
Love The Earth Allies