Suave Saturn

Desert Gypsy's picture

Eyes on the Sky- 4/22/13



There are few sights in the night sky that cause people to audibly gasp at the eyepiece of a telescope; craters on the Moon, Albireo, and a few others are up there on the list.  But almost without fail, the one object that tops that list?


With its majestic rings floating silently against a velvety black (or even slightly orange from light pollution) background, this planet evokes the wonder and awe inside many observers minds unlike other planets can.  At opposition this coming weekend, the planet will become a mainstay of evening observing from now through the end of summer.  Look for Titan, the Cassini division, and the subtle shading of the cloud tops - all covered in this video, along with observing tips on how to see this best-of-the-planets solar system object.



For more information on this story please see Eyes on the

