JKM 6-20-2012 The Summer Solstice 2012 Illuminates the Solar Key, Message from the Solar Sophia
(Judith in Chimayo)
J: I open now, to the solar source. And as the sun brings the first rays to the earth here in Chimayo, I'm guided to connect to all of the sun daggers, all of the solar alignments, where on this day, the ancient wisdom keepers built the temples, the sacred sites, for the solar alignment of the sun's rays on summer solstice to strike a certain point as it flows through the gateway. And I feel the connection to all of the solar doorways on our planet, and I open through the great solar source. I open to the heart of the solar source, connect consciously with the intelligence of each solar particle. As we know how to connect to the intelligence of water, I am now guided to connect to the solar particles and the intelligence of each solar particle. Now I connect to all of the individuals who today are focused on the summer solstice energy as they stand in the place of receptivity to the solar source.
I open to the Lion's Grid as the key to the Lion's Gates have opened, the channel through which the solar intelligence is awakened in the consciousness of the solar source. I open now to the Creation and the power and the force of the Light of Creation and the heart of the solar source. And I see, I'm shown an image of the world grid, crystal grid connecting all of the solar points, and each solar point where the solstice energy aligns is receptive to the specific solar frequencies that flow through the Lion's doors gateways, the Lion's Gate, and they are calibrated by the geomancy of the earth and the cosmos at that point to receive the solar seed, the solar seed is the solar genesis as in the time of origins, the sun brings life and the power of the source of solar source of Creation ignites, ignites the solar power within each molecule of light that illuminates the power points on the earth, and I see each one of these solar sources, each one of the solstice points now opening radiance, opening the illumination, generating the solar power like a great solar generator into the world grid to the crystal grid, through the crystal grid.
I hear the word the Judaic seal, and I see that the blueprint that was received through the Lion's Gate in Israel at the Venus Transit that filled the Lion's Grid with liquid light now is connecting the energy points on the planet, connected each solar template now received with the intelligence of the living Creation of the solar source. I hear the word solar blueprint. This, we are receiving the solar blueprint. I see Metatron, Metatronic energy is surging through each of the solar points, the solstice points, and I feel Lord Sananda, the Ascended Masters, and I see an image of Sananda and his left hand is on his heart. His right hand is extended sending the rays of Sananda into each of these solar grid points, and these are the solstice points, the place where the ancient ones sat this powerful solar grid in place. And I hear the words, the Judaic principle, and the Genesis of Creation, and I see this beautiful image of all of the solar points, like suns on earth, and I hear the word, the sons of Judaea, the solar sons/suns of Judaea awaken now, and I see images of Chaco Canyon, the solar dagger, the sun dagger here that I watch come into the valley, the sun dagger in Malta, and all of the places where there are solar alignments, I see these solar beings awaken, and they are pure golden Metatronic beings, golden Metatronic beings.
They're consciousness, they're like, you might call them solar lords, and they are called the sons of Judaea, and they are standing strong in these places on the solar grid, and they are the power sources.
They are the beings of great benevolence and intelligence that have come from the solar seed to guide humanity to a new solar civilization that rejuvenates life and illuminates peace and oneness. I can see Teotihuacan, the circles in Africa, many, many, many circles, stone circles, temples, stone circles and temples, and in each one the solar seed has birthed what is called the Sons of Judaea. They were called the Sons of Light, and I see the people there being touched by this solar intelligence, and it's awakening their solar heart, and that from those sources, all of us who are focused on the summer solstice, are receiving now this illumination of solar intelligence, and just as solar heating can be a source of great energy generation, I see this being a catalyst for the energy that is needed for transformation and action in behalf of stewardship of our precious Mother Earth planet, action in behalf of resolution of conflict, and action in behalf of sustainability and balance with the ecosystem of our precious Mother. We are all receiving this power now. It fills us with the light and the hope and the promise as we look to this day as the beginning of light and the apex, the apex of the solar force. This message when received enters the Omni Source, enters the Chronicles of Ibis in the 131313 as a force that we are receiving, and those who may hear this transmission or know of it can process it, but the important thing is that the power is seen, that it is received, that it is known that this happened today. It's in the Living Word now, it's in the intelligence of our collective, and this is the Solar Day, the Solar Day of 2012. And I see that between now, the summer solstice and the fall equinox, there will be a continued accumulation of this solar power, and that it will come through the epiphany of the Aquarian vibrations, and that in the fall equinox it will enter a level of manifestation in the Fall Equinox.
This transmission is received from the Solar Oneness, from the Great Central Sun, from the Solar Sophia. Awaken oh sons of Judaea and stand strong upon the Earth, allowing your radiance to permeate existence. The force of life is born unto the brethren of light, the Children of Light shall know the blessed source, the blessed power of this solar love, this solar source that illuminates the power of genesis, the source of light and awakens the solar key, the key of Judah. Long have our brethren prepared to receive this day, a day of jubilee, and now for all of the sons of man, of the daughters of light, the joy, the power, and the resonance is received. Celebrate this day of life. Celebrate the promise fulfilled.
Blessed be, so be it and so it is.