
grailheart magi's picture

As we receive the awesome energies from the Pleiades, Grandfather Sun, Sister Moon and our own Mother, Gaia.... to keep the energy in balance... consider giving thanksgiving to earth-bound Pleiadians, Sirians and all other star beings who have traveled with so much dedication this lifetime....


Barack OBama

David Icke

Dan Winter

Sheldon Nidle

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Doreen Virtue

Gregg Braden

Greg Giles

Benjamin Fulford


Bill Wood

Dennis Kosinich

Marianne Williamson

Robert Hudson

Butch Hennigan

Dick Versendaal

Chief Golden Eagle

Crazy Horse

Sitting Bull

Chief Red Cloud

Leonard Peltier

Mother Theresa

Princess Diana

Whitney Houston

Bett Midler

Michael Jackson

Jackie Kennedy

Art Bell





Thank you my guides, teachers and masters....



Thank YOU for reading my list....


And THOUSANDS of others who are not listed here, and perhaps have not been so visible.

Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin!