Supporting The Divine Mission~ The Universal Government

Lia's picture


The Universal Government is a Network of Light on the Planet which Serves the Whole Truth, Light, and Unconditional Love Across Planet Earth=Heart. THAT IS OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE! WE are Now in the Beginning Stages of this. AS THE ENERGY IS Now READY. Besides Gathering Together in Support of this, our Goal is taking the power away from those who have been abusing their powers, We ARE HERE TO ASSIST THIS ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. We Accomplish this By Being a Flow of Energy, that Gives to Love in Support of Love and The Greatest Good in All Moments on this Planet. Our Intention is that Money Now will be used to support Love and Truth, until all money dissolves. The illuminati’s manipulation of the cash flow was their current power over method that kept Humanity struggling in survival and competition. We Have already Begun changing this energy flow to the direction of equality and abundance for all. Love truly does Win.

This is why we ask for Donations, without them we cannot Assist all of you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Work In Complete and Total Unconditional Service Every Moment and we dont ask for much just what our needs are.

For the Month of November we have 6 days remaining and we are $1400 behind, not only does this support us, but we share with other bloggers who need support as well to keep going.

If The Galactic Free Press is Supporting Your Growth and Joy, Thank you for making a Simple 5$ Donation today if you have not shared all ready in Service to this Energetic Love Flow!


Thank You for Assisting and Keeping us Going

For those who do not like paypal[ in which we have not found a stable replacement] you can email us at and we will give you an address to mail.


Love The Earth Allies

