Dear Ashtar has just sent me a message. He wishes me to share with Mankind right now.
Mankind loves Drama, leave Man to make his own plan’s. Suzanne, Man is again letting you find a solution. You must only connect to your Twin/Husband now. You must now Link to the Kingdom of Love and Light. Many are on tender hooks due to Korea, no war will be allowed. I shall no longer allow loss of life, we love life too much. We pledge to step in.
Make sure you relay this message to Mankind. Love and light Ashtar.
Today has been a rough day but I put myself in the hands of the Angelic Realm and my One. This afternoon I have been receiving love and guidance which has helped me center in my heart. I have found my self at a place of not knowing what to do, where to turn and what will happen next. Very soon we will have to move due to a huge rent rise. As many may know Christchurch is still in a holding pattern since the 2010 Earthquakes and Houses are few and far between for those with little.
Ashtar has told me to allow my Husband to sort himself out which I understand as he has always fallen back on me to fix things, make them right. Jesus and Ashtar know I am tired. This message is in a way telling us all to allow the Man to sort out his own solution without asking everyone else to come to his rescue as many around the Earth are Tired.
War and violence have no place in our lives any more. Neither does homelessness and lack of food and water which is destroyed along with the lands. Ashtar will not allow those who are the innocent being put in harm’s way for the sake of some ones ego/pride. Grounding and linking to the Kingdom of light will help you stay out of fear. Together we are mighty.
Hope=Love= light.