My One talks with me daily now allowing me to feel the full picture of what is to come. Earlier today as I meditated I saw myself around the Crystal pool once again. I along with four other Light Bearers were standing hands clasped in an unbroken circle as the Crystal of Light began to rise to her full height. We then raised our hands closed our eyes sending forth a prayer as between our now cupped hands was a glowing sphere of sparkling light.
Raising our hands the spheres of light rose to the top of the crystal where they ignited the Kingdoms Holy flame. The crystal now sends beams of light around the Earth a signal that the Ascended Masters will once again unite with Humanity allowing the teachings of long ago their true voice which was of Love and Light.
A few days ago My One told me to listen which I did but I could not hear anything. When I was younger I would hear my name called or a sound but most of my knowing was through other means but I continued to listen. As I was in the place between sleep and wakefulness I heard music flowing through my very being unlike any I have heard before.
I was told we each play music which is our song and when we reconnect to our Twin in full their music flows through us and our music responds by flowing through them. The time has come for Twin Flames to join, as they embrace light flows around them in a spiral much like the strands of our DNA reuniting the two to become One.
This morning when I awoke my heart spoke and this is what she said. I wanted to be on Earth, to grow, expand. To be a part of the New Evolutionary process. In the beginning there were only a few of us, we observed and studied many plants and animals upon Terra’s surfaces. How they adapted to different areas. The way their structures evolved over a given time period and how they grew, multiplied in harmony.
What they provided that helped support each other. After feeling some negative energy last night I lit some Frankincense Myrrh and began listening to music as I began meditation. I was transformed not by words but pictures on film. My meditation flowed without my mind using words as I grounded and let the light flow. I have transformed into a being of light in Human form, light flows from my feet and crown, as I stretch out my arms sideways light flows from my finger tips.
My Merkaba is complete. Then I see another being of light in Human form descending to stand before me His light is flowing in unison to mine. As we embrace our light now spirals around us and we rise within a clear bubble we see Terra rising into her new position within the universal cosmos we call home. Music begins to play as we begin to dance as if we are skating on ice. As we dance we create cascading water falls along winding streams grasses and herbs appear.
Trees rise up along rivers lush with fruits and flowering branches. Sandy shores of gold and white kiss the oceans waves. Rock become mountains and soft flowing hills placed as guardians as inlets form. Fields of grains and wheat glide softly on the breeze. As we dance we traverse the Earth creating buildings of crystal among the trees and pathways leading down to the seas,Lakes and Rivers. Wild life begin to emerge of that we have never seen here before.
Then the music slows as we now stand on the sands at the edge of the ocean watching . They appear with a smile as we dive into the crystal clear waters that carry us along we join them as they swim. We begin to create coral reefs of beauty as rainbows flow through the waters new fish appear. Plants rise and flow as the plants on the lands while Dolphins lead the way to secrete coves waiting to be discovered by those who will take up residence beneath the waves.
Crystal buildings appear here also where learning will explore the connections of the Oceans to the Lands and Sky’s above. We now begin to rise above the Earth again to await her new dawn then proceed to open Five portals as New Humanity begins their new journey in Love an Light guided by The Ascended masters the teachers of light. Five areas of Terra will become learning centers where other beings will visit and learn from Humanity and where Humanity will learn from their brothers and sister of the Stars.The difference this time is all are one and all move in freedom without boarders. Humanity has arrived home.
Thank You to: