Dear Readers, I have missed you. My quest has brought me to areas with no Internet and no phone. It allowed me to go deeper into my SELF, and it made me realize how important it is for me to be able to communicate with the Collective Consciousness that I can FEEL who is reading my messages. Being unable to communicate with you has shown me how grateful I am to have others with whom I can share my process. Thank you for sharing my process.
7-21-12 (The beginning of three days in the Faerie Cabin and my wonderful experiences there.)
Journey into Gaia/Reconnection with Mytre
My physical journey into Gaia and Mytria/Mytre’s Pleiadian Ascension has blurred into ONE now. Therefore, their titles are connected, as well.
Conversation With My Selves
Part I Going Deeper
SUZILLE: Dear Mytre,Ihave heard Mytria’s story about opening the Portal to the Mother’s Womb. Now, I feel like I need to here your story about “mind over matter.” I talked to you last night, and you said that I would see you in a dream. I did not have a very deep sleep and my leg, the one that will teach me how to heal myself, was hurting. I did not forget you, though, and would love to hear from you again.

MYTRE: You did dream of us last night, but your consciousness was too low for you to remember our meeting. You see, dear earthly expression of our Being, you are in conflicted state of mind right now because you know that you need to go deeper into your SELF, in fact, much deeper.
Perhaps you forgot your dream, but first thing this morning you did remember that the Portal you must enter is you own Inner Portal, the Portal of the High Heart. You also remembered that since you were a teenager you ALWAYS wore a pendant around your neck, which just happened to land exactly on your High Heart.
Over the years you wore many different chains and many different pendants, but the pendant always landed exactly on your High Heart. You unconsciously remembered to protect your Portal. Every pendant that you wore reminded you of something special. Hence, it served as “The Guardian of the Threshold.”
You chose a special pendant for this quest, as you knew that something special was to happen. All of your time is free of obligations to others, mundane chores or work. You are now at one of the Volcanoes who (I say “who” not “that,” for Mt Rainier is a Mighty Being) served as a Portal to Inner Earth for the Lamurians.
The Arcturians will join us to share some information about the Pineal Gland and about opening your Portal to the High Heart. You have received/remembered Mytria’s process of entering the Planetary Portal. Now I, a higher expression of your SELF, will assist you to open your Personal Portal. Just as the Planetary Portal is in the Core of the planet, your Personal Portal of your High Heart is in the Core of your physical body.
Just as the Core of the Planet is where Gaia connects with Her SELF, humanity connects with their SELF within their High Heart. To open your Personal Portal you must go much “deeper” into your SELF. You have grounded yourself by putting yourself in one of Gaia’s Volcanic Portals, Mt. Rainier, in a small cabin with no phone, Internet, television or modern conveniences.
You have opened a special file for this process, one which you will likely edit before you send it out. Furthermore, you cannot send it out, as there is no Internet. This has all occurred to free you from your ego, which is NOT you. Your ego is the one who protects YOU. Therefore, thank your ego for its great contribution to your life and put it on guard duty “outside” of this current process. Before we begin, we will call in the Arcturians.
ARCTURIANS: Greetings, we are the Arcturians,
We wish to assist all of you to open the Portal of your High Heart. It is your High Heart, in conjunction with your Pineal Gland, that serves as your personal Stargate through which you can travel the Multiverse.
Just as a bottle of water with at spout at the bottom of the bottle must have a hole at the top in order for the water to drain, your Pineal Gland must be opened in order for your consciousness/Lightbody to flow into your High Heart Portal and into the higher dimensional realities, such as New Earth.
M. In other words, your Pineal Gland is the portal that allows the Multiverse to enter into you. AND, your High Heart is the Portal through which you will enter the Multiverse. Therefore, your Pineal Gland in the door IN to your earth vessel and your High Heart is the door OUT of your earth vessel. Do you understand me so far Suzille?
S. Yes, I do.
Arcturians: The Pineal Gland allows you to transform your higher desire into manifestation via the power of your thoughts. This transformation begins with shifting your thinking from the third dimensional thinking of your ego self to the multidimensional thinking of your Higher Expressions of SELF. Third dimensional thinking stems purely from your brain, whereas multidimensional thinking stems from your Higher Mind.
Your human brain transforms every thought you generate into bio-chemical messages. If your thoughts are based on fear and/or survival they will be transmuted into lower frequency bio-chemical messages. These thoughts will NOT connect you with your Higher Mind, which is in constant contact with your Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland’s objective is to be the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm.
The Pineal Gland is focused on opening the Portal to the Divine so that the higher light and unconditional love can enter into your physical form to facilitate multidimensional thinking, mastery of energy and manifestation via thought waves. Therefore, it will filter-out the lower frequency thoughts and leave them for the Pituitary Gland.
The purpose of the Pituitary Gland is to keep the physical form alive. Therefore, it recognizes all thought that contains any form of fear for survival and dispenses adrenalin throughout the physical body to give it added strength to address the cause of the fear. In other words, the Pituitary Gland is interested in keeping the human alive, whereas the Pineal Gland is interested in transmuting the human body into its true, multidimensional nature.
The Pineal Gland serves as a bridge or Portal between the physical and nonphysical, the human and divine, the brain and the mind. This Portal will not open until the human thoughts begin to generate bio-chemical frequency waves that resonate to the fourth and fifth dimension. There is a protective reason why the Pineal Gland is so selective.
The Pineal Gland also serves as a filter. If you are trapped in negative thinking and have the power to manifest with your thoughts, your life would manifest all your fears. Fortunately, the adrenaline that the Pituitary Gland releases sends a message to the Pineal Gland you have NOT achieved mastery over your emotions, and are having difficulty with the physical reality. Therefore, you are not ready for the next frequency of reality.
This is not a punishment. Instead, it is a form of protection. You would not give a child the keys to your new sports car, nor would you give the power of manifestation to one who cannot master their own fear. There is also another form of protection.
Even if you cannot hear your own sub-conscious thoughts of fear and doubt that underlie your conscious, positive decrees, your Pituitary Gland can hear it. In fact, the Pituitary Gland can hear your subconscious mind even more clearly than it can hear your conscious mind for your unconscious thoughts primarily communicate at a biochemical level.
When these fearful biochemical messages are detected, Pituitary Gland comes to the rescue with adrenalin. The release of adrenalin serves as a Stop Sign to the Pineal saying, “Fearful, not yet ready to manifest.”
M. Thank you very much dear Arcturians. With their message, Suzille, we come now to the Power of Doubt. I, one of your myriad higher expressions of SELF, know that you have been experiencing doubt about the ascension process. Is that correct?
S. Yes, I would have to say that you are correct. It is a very interesting process in that on one level, I guess that would be my higher consciousness I have no doubt at all. However, I think that on an ego level there is still doubt.
M. Suzille, why do you think that is?
S. I think that it is just fear that I am wrong. The part of me that can talk to you and other Beings in the higher dimensions has NO doubt at all. This higher expression of my SELF directs me to live my life within the knowing that in only five months my life will be totally different.
Then there is the other part of me. I guess it is my wounded ego that doubts that anything so wonderful could actually be true. I really do NOT want to manifest that fear.
M. Suzille, do you see how this inner battle is damaging to your body. You have difficulty fully grounding your Light because your mind and body are not on the same track. Your mind, ruled by your SELF, is in the process of ascension.
At the same time, your body, ruled by your ego, has a very different opinion about what is real and what is not real. Your body thinks that only objects of the same density as itself are real.
Do you see how you are representing what is occurring on the body of Gaia right now? Many of Her humans can trust the love and light, but others can only trust that which they can perceive with their five physical senses. Then, there is a huge majority of people in-between.
Some believe much more in the 3D concepts and are trying to accept the messages from their SELF, while others believe the messages from their SELF, and are trying to release the doubts that their ego still holds. You would be in this second category.
S. Yes, I would be in the second category. I am embarrassed to admit that I have doubt after all I have written for so many people to see. However, this doubt is the remainder of my own darkness and likely the core of all my non-loving expressions and behaviors. I think that now these behaviors are mostly brought on by doubt and fatigue. However, the fatigue may be largely due to the constant unconscious battle that occurs inside of me.
M. Yes, Suzille, that ego/doubt as I have come to call it came from me, Mytre, your masculine/scientific expression. This split between your masculine and feminine is a product of the era in which you were born. Up until the time that you became an adult, the male and female expressions of life were very different and quite separate within your psyche.
The separation between the masculine and feminine polarities of your personal self need to be resolved so that you can release the polarities of your planetary self. These polarities still remain in your thoughts.
Your male polarity of logical, sequential, scientific thinking is the cause of your doubt about ascension. On the other hand, your feminine polarity of holistic, imagistic, metaphysical thinking fully embraces your Knowing about ascension. Because you were raised in a reality in which these two types of thinking were incompatible, you need to heal that social message.
Fortunately, the generations after the Baby Boomer have experienced a reality in which the lines between masculine and feminine have merged into a spectrum rather than a polarity. It was the freethinking of many Baby Boomers who allowed their children to live in the in-between of male and female that assisted this process of merging of polarities.
However, the Baby Boomers must now merge that polarity within themselves. Again, each human holds the same polarity issues as the planet. In order to deeply participate in Planetary Ascension, you must all participate in your Personal Ascension. Therefore, the voice of the feminine must be measured as equal to the voice of the masculine.
When the feminine voice was dominant, the Goddess was worshiped and the planet was a sacred Being to be protected and revered. Then, when the masculine voice became dominant, and man set out to “conquer” nature. Many great technologies were invented, but much of the body of Gaia was damaged, or destroyed, in mankind quest for domination.
As each human balances the masculine and feminine energies within themselves, they assist Gaia to heal those polarities within Her earthly body. This personal participation in Planetary Ascension is greatly accelerated when you open the Personal Portal of your High Heart. Your High Heart more easily opened when you are free of “scientific” doubt and/or fear of survival.
This healing of doubt and fear occurs when you:
Love your self unconditionally
Forgive your self unconditionally and
Accept your self unconditionally.
At the same moment of the ONE, you, also, need to open the Portal of your High Heart so that you can fully accept the inflow of Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance from the higher frequencies of reality.
M. You do see the problem there, do you not?
S. Yes, I do see the issue. In order to BE who I want to be, I have to act like I am already that person. Is that correct?
M. Congratulations, you are totally correct. AND, in order to act “as if” you love yourself unconditionally, you will have to accept that sometimes you will be successful in this challenge, and at other times you will fail miserably.
That is called “accepting yourself unconditionally.” Therefore, the unconditional acceptance and unconditional forgiveness will actually precedes the unconditional love, which you will need to have in order to forgive and accept yourself unconditionally. Do you understand that?
S. Yes, I understand that I will have to let go of time. Time, and the third dimensional sequence that it creates, makes it impossible to do two “opposite” things at the same time. Hence, I guess we have to “take the risk” that we DO deserve the unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance, so that we can give it to ourselves.
Perhaps, the most important of the three—love, forgiveness and acceptance—is acceptance. If we accept our self for exactly who we are in any moment, then whether or not we “deserve” it is not an issue.
M. Yes, you are very correct. Please ponder our conversation and return when you have fully integrated this discussion.
www.suzanneliephd.blogspot.nl link to original article