Ten Other Uses for Salt

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Ten Other Uses for Salt


31st August 2012

By Jordan & Kyla Miller

Contributing Writers for Wake Up World


As described in our previous article, salt is essential to the functioning of many of our bodily processes. Without salt, we would simply perish. Our cellular interactions are highly dependent on many of the minerals present within salt for proper division and assistance in eliminating waste and absorbing nutrients.  When we talk about essential salt, we are not talking about the highly processed variety we often find in a box which has been labelled “iodized” (95% sodium chloride), we are taking about salt present in both the foods we eat and full spectrum salt like Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.

When adding salt to our food, we must always practice temperance, and choose a variety that has not been processed so that our bodies can benefit from the other minerals within it. In conjunction with the sodium reduction strategy that is being undertaken in many countries today, we have provided to you below some rather uncharacteristic uses for conventional “table salt”. Essentially, we feel that table salt can be better used for things other than consuming. In effect, rather than throwing it out entirely, let’s see what other things we can do with it.


10 Other Uses for Salt

1. Deter ants

Sprinkle salt in doorways, on window sills and anywhere else ants use to sneak into your house. It’s a sure way to keep them out!

2. Get rid of fleas

If your dogs have fleas, simply wash their doghouse and blankets in salt water. If you’re worried your dogs may have brought fleas into your house, simply sprinkle your carpets lightly with salt and then brush it in. Leave it for 12 hours and vacuum thoroughly.

3. Soothe a bee sting

Wet the sting right away, then cover it with salt.

4. Drip proofing your candles

If you soak new candles in a strong salt solution for a few hours, then dry them well, they won’t drip when you burn them.

5. Keep your windshield frost free

Dip a sponge into salt water and rub it on windows, and they won’t frost up even when the mercury drops below zero.

6. Remove stains from your coffee pot

Fill it with 1/4 cup of table salt and a dozen ice cubes. Swish the mixture around, let it sit for half an hour, fill it with cold water and rinse. Your coffee pot will look brand new.

7. Clean brown spots of your iron

Simply sprinkle salt on a sheet of waxed paper, slide the iron across it and rub lightly with silver polish. Your iron will look like brand-new in no time.

8. Clean up oven spills

If a pie or casserole bubbles over in the oven, pour a handful of salt on top of the spill. It won’t smoke, smell and, most importantly, will bake into a crust that makes the mess easier to clean once it’s cooled.

9. Absorb a dropped egg

If you drop an egg on the kitchen floor, sprinkle salt on the mess and leave it there for 20 minutes. You’ll be able to wipe it right up.

10. Remove shell from nuts easier

Soak pecans and walnuts in salt water for a few hours before shelling them. Doing so will make it easier to remove the meat.

As you can see, regular table salt has many other uses other than eating. So put your “bad” salt to “good” use today. Always remember to listen to your inner voice for direction.  

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