Thanks to Denise~KAREN'S ARTICLE Update~

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Thanks to Denise~KAREN'S ARTICLE

Karen Bishop

May 31, 2013

 NOTE BY DENISE: Please take note of how she talks about what I call the “stair steps” within the ascension process in her post about the different levels and stages that people experience the ascension symptoms and the process itself. Karen mentioned in it about how some of us have transmuted and gone through the ‘cleansing process that has reached so deep that…’ their body now literally vibrates internally within every cell.

I’ve talked about this ongoing aspect of the ascension process and have called it the rewiring of the body and/or the rewiring of the brain. I’ve been living it myself for about eleven years now and I’ve written multiple times about this inner body vibrating and what it sounds and feels like to me, especially now when I’m napping and am half-awake and half-asleep. It’s a massive roar of sounds and an intense but wonderful rapid spinning movement of light energies within every cell of my body and brain which is all highly positive and feels like I’m vibrating faster and faster, which I am, and which you are.


We are at the end point now. . . where the end of the old comes in newly severed ties when two souls can no longer find a connecting thread and choices are thus made as to which road each will travel, where old roles are finally diminishing to a mere wisp of existence or a very complete death, and where an emptiness penetrates us that can make one wonder if  anything exists at all, or ever will again.

As Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin prayed in faith,

" In all those dark moments, O God, grant that I may understand that
it is you who are painfully parting the fibers of my being
in order to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance. . . ."

For those who have been cleansed, cleansed, and cleansed again, this emptiness within (and for some, without as well) has perhaps been a constant companion for longer than we may have ever imagined. As layer after layer of our being has been systematically penetrated by energies whose very design is to reach deep into our core, making a way clear for the arrival of God within, we may find that there is very little of our old self remaining.

And yet the cleansing and purification continues on as we prepare to enter the month of June. The third week of May was in preparation as well, even though a lull or stillness filled the air, but within it arrived a darkness where a spookiness and frightening presence may have found its way to us, as the darkness passed by. Immediately on its heels arrived more purification, with head and neck congestion, chest pressure and congestion, throat issues, body aches, and the like as we prepared once again for our arrival into yet another very new space.

For some, the cleansing process has reached so very deep within, that the body is now vibrating within each and every cell, with a near continual squeeze of higher vibrating energies from above. And for others, the cleansing process has placed undue pressure on existing health issues and intensified them even more, while others are feeling the squeeze through the birth canal only at their outer levels and with intermittent health issues that subside very quickly.

As we near the end point, different scenarios can make themselves ever present. Some will panic and find themselves grasping onto anything or everything in an attempt to feel any remote kind of security. Others will convince themselves that "the old" was perhaps not so bad after all, and hold onto that in order to feel a much needed security. Many will behave very strangely, with a knee-jerk response of self-preservation and control which will leave those who know them scratching their heads in bewilderment at their seemingly crazy and nonsensical choices as they continue to live in a world individually their own. And many will go into denial and put up a screen with no chance for penetration. This can indeed be a fearful time.  This is what occurred at the time of the split in 2009. But there are others as well who will find new and deeper meaning in their realtionships during this time, as they progress further and further into the energy of the heart.

There has been a place created by God for each and very one of us. We are being taken care of with complete absolution. So even though our new spaces have not yet made their identities known for all of us, God is paving the way, creating the space, and readying things for our arrival. While we continue to incubate and make our way through the process, God is taking care of the details. We need do nothing but continue to be still in the process and trust.  

"I said to my soul, be still and let the dark come upon you
Which shall be the darkness of God."  T. S. Eliot  

Even for those who are acutely aware of the big leap that is now before us, a prying off of fingers from the old may be required as this leap will be like no other. After all, we are only human. For those who have been stripped so bare, down to their very core, giving oneself up to God now, or at best surrendering with complete faith, may be the road that is meant to be as there is nothing remotely left. . . all in divine and perfect order as a complete death is at hand. The arrival of these souls into a very, very new and different reality has been anticipated, planned, and made clear at the highest levels of existence. And rejoicing there will be as this communion has been anticipated for so very long!

For others, they will find that much of what they desire will come to them effortlessly and they will have the life of their dreams and all they may have ever wanted. They will choose complete control over themselves and their destiny, and be most comfortable with choice freely given and themselves at the helm. Manifestation, freedom, and their own individual goals will be at the center of their spiritual beliefs. They will live within their own individual heaven on earth. This is indeed one option at hand and is as well, one level of reality available in times to come.

The ascension process has led us to the top rung of the ladder, and now for some, a very new reality and different option will beckon. . . .on a very new ladder and on a very new rung. . .and this reality has God at the center of it all. A reality where the ascension process has dictated for so very long, will be replaced by a reality where God dictates. . . .where God is at the center of each and every moment. . . .where we delight in serving God with every breath we take. . .where we know God as intimately as we know ourselves. . . . where barely a distinction exists between God and who we know ourselves to be . . . and where the heart of our brothers and sisters comprises each and every connection that we make.

After the most recent purification (the end of May) another lull arrived. It is perhaps a time where we do not feel like doing a thing, where we cannot become interested in much, and where a fatigue continues to fill our pores. We are incubating still as well as rebooting. We may be weary from all the old as well and more than ready for something very new. This has been a very long journey. This is yet another stage of the process before we move forward once again.  I can only wonder how things will transpire in the days to come.

My heart to yours,
