Time For Fastening Your Seat-belts And Learn To Fly Intergalactic
By GLR Judith Kusel
With these solar flares, massive energies are entering your heart and solar plexus, as well as your crown, third eye and throat chakras.
I have been shown how intensely these energies are working with your spinal cord energies, and at the moment this then on the UPPER SPINE where your neck and head is linked up with spinal cord, and where the rib-cage begins and thus forming that protective shield around your heart and lungs.
This will cause you to feel as if in limbo - like you are floating in mid-air and then also will feel pain in those areas, sometimes like a buzzing sensation, pins and needles, and other symptoms related to the lungs, throat, heart etc.
Some might lose their voices (I have lost my singing voice in the last year or so and been told this is because I have to learn to speak out what is there being revealed to me - and I am doing so now).
These next few weeks will have an intense effect on us, and there will have to be a stepping up in releasing all those things, people, etc. who now longer serve our highest good. All those old vows, pacts, contracts (marriage, business, etc.) which no longer serve us, will start truly tearing at us, until we learn to release them. Remember that this is also true for past lives - all those unresolved issues between souls and even groups of souls, are now going to surface more and more. This means cutting, clearing, releasing, and some more!
This is mainly because all of this does not SERVE our highest soul growth any more, and sometimes our souls have created the same patterns of behaviour, with the self-same souls over and over again. Simply ask for releasing of these patterns, and then do not fall back into the same once more - but learn to create better patterns.
BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU THINK OR WISH FOR for all will manifest very quickly now. So if you think bad things, they will happen as they will be drawn to you - as will the good. (Remembering that all serves you in the end.)
There is no going back. We are being pushed into something completely new, and this is time for fastening your seat-belts and learn to fly Intergalactic - as you are MEANT to do!