Number Vibration Mandalas
Thursday 19th July’s date (19+7+2+0+1+2) = 31/4.
4’s energy represents stability, dependability and sound, rational reasoning. Today, 4 gives you great organisational and planning ability, and you can build success with a cautiously careful, measured approach. The 4th card in the Tarot is the Emperor, and the keyword for this card is REASON. The Emperor sits on a throne, which represents his wisdom; he has, through reasoning, become conscious of the elemental forces, which work together to form the material world, and can therefore discern the truth of any situation. The Emperor is really the Magician, the 1st card in the Tarot, as an older, wiser man, someone who understands and has gone through the process of mastering the creative potential symbolised by the other three preceding cards. At this stage he can bring about concrete, tangible results. In his Left hand he holds the World, and in his right, he holds the Tau, the image of the cross, which defines the 4 directions, and elements of earthly, manifest space. He is the maker of blueprints, the planner of plans, and the builder of form. He is again reminding us that we will reap what we sow, and that if we become more conscious of our thoughts, we will see that they truly determine and define our tangible reality. The first four cards of the Tarot represent the journey from idea to form. The main theme expressed by the 31/4 vibration, is the importance of learning the art of COOPERATION. The 3’s fiery creative energy is coupled here with the independent 1, making us determined and strong-willed but also sometimes too opinionated and stubborn, the downside of 4’s energy. Balancing and grounding your fire energy is the priority today, a good day for Kundalini Yoga!