This Too, Shall Pass

Anonymous's picture

Wow, I AM just so simple lately.  hehehehee  It's like I can't process alot of information anymore.  I used to read so much, however, lately, its like the information is not sticking.  I guess the answers I need to get from a to z are inside and not out. I just feel soooo slllllooooooowwwwww. heeheehee


I went to see my grandson TatahBNahNahz, get an award for honor roll on Tuesday.  This is the child that was almost branded ADHD.  With his being able to stop, close his eyes and breathe in class, has helped him sooo much.  His teacher allows him to do this when he is in a place of negative energy.  Its so cute to see him close his eyes, hold his palms up and take deep breathes, at 6.  heheheee He is also very proud of himself. Me too.


It was a honor and a priviledge to ease out the auditorium, get in the hallway and send Love and Light to everyone who comes into the school.  I thank Spirit for the opportunity to do so.  smile.


Don't know if I have drained myself by giving out too much energy.  But, I do know that coming here and attending TinyChat surely helps keep my energy level steady I will say.  Slow motion GeeTaBoo.  hehehee This too shall pass.


I wont worry about anything though.  Went to the eye doctor the other day and he said I have some issues to deal with.  Dont have any emotions about it, it is what it is. So, I will continue on my quest to be my I AM Higher Self. No matter what.


They say you have not because you ask not.  I ask my Galactic Family to send me energy, for, it seems that my level is low, but, not quenching by no means.  Just a process I must endure, I guess.


Thanks for letting me share and thanks for sharing energy with me.  I love myself and you all very much.  smile


Love NaGeeTa


[Verse 1:]Here I amHere I

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

[Verse 1:]
Here I am
Here I stand
Lord, my life is in your hands
Lord, I'm longing to see
Your desires revealed in me
I give myself away

[Verse 2:]
Take my heart
Take my life
As a living sacrifice
All my dreams all my plans
Lord I place them in your hands

I give myself away
I give myself away
So You can use me
I give myself away
I give myself away
So You can use me

I give myself away
I give myself away
So You can use me
I give myself away
I give myself away
So You can use me

[Bridge: x7]
My life is not my own
To you I belong
I give myself, I give myself to you


William McDowell I give Myself Away


 Love I AM NaGeeTa

Sharing Abundant Energy With You!

InglandeLight's picture

My Dear Nageetah.....  As today I AM celebrating the day in which I arrived on our glorious Gaia 48 years past, and am awash with all sorts of Beautiful Energy sent and shared by my Loved Ones, I AM ever so happy to share it with you!!  May your day be filled with LOVE, treat you ever so kindly and provide sweet, unexpected pleasures!

Happy Birthday!!! hehehee 

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

Happy Birthday!!! hehehee  Thank you very much for your Beautiful Energy. 

I cant stop gigglin heheheee.


Love NageeTa