(Message from the Aquarian Masters of Light from the Future Earth)
(Judith in San Diego 4:00 am)
I was awakened at 3:30 feeling very powerful energy. My time here has truly been blessed. I feel a connection to the Aquarian Masters of Light. So I open my mind, body, spirit and soul to bring forth from my heart, through my heart, the messages from the Aquarian Masters of Light.
We speak to you now from the plane of consciousness that is pure Light of Creation. The Aquarian Light and the Dimensions of the Aquarian Light are Dimensions of Love that were known to you as the Christ Light. This light, the Aquarian Dimensions of Light, is limitless. It illuminates all other light from within the Consciousness of Love of that light source. The Aquarian Light is received. The Aquarian Light is received by the Living Hologram of Earth. This means that there's a new quality of the spectrums of light on your planet because each ray contains a vibration of the Harmonics of Universal Oneness.
In the past, you have been cautioned that Lucifer, the teacher of duality, appears as a light being and can deceive you with the illusion that that light serves not Love, but is self-directed for the purpose of manipulation and illusion. As you have been given the lessons of duality and the teachings of discernment, you are called to co-create through loving harmony. But knowing this and being able to accomplish it has often had its challenges for the levels of discernment that are required to see truth through love and compassion, to see all truth from a strong perspective of a willingness inside you to no longer deny that which is unwholesome or unhealthy, that which is not in balance with the Law of the Universe, but to stand strong with compassionate eyes, and be the witness of that which calls for healing.
Often you have felt a sense of despair because what you know as evil in the world seems incapable of retribution. Now the very foundation of the way that you have and the way that you are is altered by the Aquarian Dimensions of Light. We applaud your courage, your fortitude and your faith as students of duality. Your free-willed choice has brought you to a self-reckoning and self-evaluation and evaluation of the world, and all of these things you are exploring outside of the box of linear thinking with a true quest to know the perimeters of truth and how the truth will set you free.
These are all building blocks that you have been given as tools of consciousness for building the new paradigm systems, the foundation of the New Heaven, New Earth. You have learned honesty with self is the way of grace - and if you have not learned that yet, you soon shall. Thus, you have been strong in your intention to live in a way that is in balance with the Laws of the Universe and (to be) non-judgmental. But frequently, through the transition of the Age of Darkness, the Light has failed you. You find yourself disillusioned and confused, unable to discern that which is a betrayal, and that which is given to you in truth as Love.
You know how that feels, and it illuminates your heart and lightens your spirit. But through this Age of Darkness, it has been a challenge as you meet each other on the pathway of life and your intention for integral spiritual practices, because the Shadow has betrayed you in essential places of relationships, for regardless of your intention not to judge another, their shadow becomes so evident with the betrayal of trust that you can no longer deny that which you see and know to be true.
This is the calling of the time of witnessing all that needs healing and needs love. Through the Dark Ages, there was simply not enough Light on the planet to illuminate the Power of Love and bring balance where there was disorder and chaos. Those of you who have learned to draw from Universal Source opened the corridors of light for all of humanity, and now those corridors of Light are filled with the Aquarian Dimensions of Light, which are pure love.
Your heart rejoices because the intelligence of your heart and intuition knows this to be true. You know that when you think with your heart, there is grace, and the beauty of life is revealed to you. Now your heart opens to channel the Aquarian Dimensions of Light, and as you move light through your heart, that light will seek a sound resolution, one that is reliable, truthful and limitless in the capacity to love beyond judgment to a place of grace.
We encourage you to utilize this Love. And if you feel your heart shutting down, breathe the Light through your heart and open, because, as you open with the Aquarian Light, there will be new levels of love and protection, new ways in which you can create safe space for yourself and others, 'safe space' being a place of high vibration, a place that truly you may feel sanctified as Emissaries of Peace, and share with each other the bountiful harvest of this, the emerging of the Golden Age.
Know this, Beloved Ones, you are entering the Time of the Great Challenge for all that is out of balance with Universal Law of Love, that truly those ideologies have held power structures and forced their way through oppression, fear and greed. Those thought forms are powerful in your world, and they are now demanding that you see them as witnesses through non-judgment. And now is the time. The miracle is at hand to channel the Aquarian Light through your heart and observe how that which seemed insurmountable yields and lends itself to an ideological shift and transformational energies.
This is the key to peace, and we ask you not to form thought structures based on past experience that limit you, which you have experienced in the past. This truly is a world away from where you are now. It is like a parallel reality, it is a mirror of experience, but it is not a pattern that dictates your reality now. The sooner you can understand this, the sooner you will adapt to the emerging paradigm and develop the life skills that facilitate your ability to implement new infrastructures that are built upon the Templates of Light, of Love through the power of the Aquarian Light, Love without limits.
This simply expands the Dimensions of Love, the depth of Love, the eternal nature of Love, and the Light of Love. And when you take time to contemplate this, you will feel the power of what is spoken here as a truthful teaching, one that is reliable and will not fail you in an hour of need when you call upon it. Make it your focus, because you will learn to see the world not from what's wrong with the world, but from the perspective of that which blossoms in the heart and the soul as a new potential for humanity emerges.
Only old thought patterns will take you back into the limits of the past. As you recognize those thought patterns, you can release them and develop for yourself a process of loving thought that sustains your life in a state of grace - and grace does not mean life without challenge. Grace means that you rise up from adversity stronger and more loving, and that you are no longer a victim of fear.
Celebrate this Light, and watch it as it plays on the water, as it dances in the sunrise and the sunsets. Watch it as it shifts and moves. The more that you focus on this Light, the more that your receptors (that are perceptual receptors in your mind) project the hologram of the Holographic Earth through the Aquarian Light. And this is how the world will shift. Blessed be this time of celebration, and blessed be the Gift of Love.
So be it and so it is.
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