The Transitions of this Time By Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
With the presence of love awakening the rising of the goddess to bring forth valuable and sacred
wisdom from the Creator to activate and inspire the Earth and humanity more fully, so numerous
energetic keys and codes are brought forth to be acknowledged and understood. The vibration of
the goddess has the power to activate numerous energies and consciousness of the Creator within
humanity and the Earth, as if a continuous reaction and activation process occurs creating a series
of blossoming of energies and wisdom to sustain the ascension of all. The goddess vibration brings
forth her own wisdom held within her vibration since the suppression of the goddess but she also
has the power and is the trigger of the awakening of other new energies as well as acting as a
trigger for inner planes consciousness to be absorbed upon the Earth.
This time upon the Earth is truly sacred as every being is shaping a new reality, a new Earth and a
heavenly existence.