3 October 2012
By Red Galactic Earth
Over the last few weeks and days, it has come to my understanding through direct experience that the beings on the astral plane are resolving any karma and any old psychological wounds, just as we have been and are still doing.
The astral plane is the place we go to after our physical body dies and the holographic image or “ghost*” of our being goes to, in order to solve any unresolved issues collected in that life time and sometimes previous life times too.
There are various levels or ‘bandwidths’ of the astral density and I believe that just as the higher vibrational light is entering the physical world , so too does it enter through the astral.
Each bandwidth of the astral relates to the type of being you will find there, and what their souls are there to learn. (every dimension/expression of life is an opportunity to learn)
From my experiences on the astral plane, I have encountered beings that are currently working through their own heavily ingrained psychological issues. One of the lower parts of the astral plane corresponds to the second orange chakra/ray. [Svādhiṣṭhāna = One's own Abode]
After experiencing the various levels of the astral, I can see why the orange ray is referred to as ‘one’s own abode.. The way in which thought works in the astral plane is similar to this density in its subjective appearance, however things manifest at the rate at which they are thought…
The orange ray relates to the unconscious and sub concious mind and all emotion. This includes repressed emotion, or ‘improper’ use of emotion.
By the Law of Attraction, any action we take upon the 3rd density determines the experiences we encounter later. In order to make the eventual transition into the planes above the astral [or 5d onwards], all beings must first transmute and clear any lower density emotional baggage which has been collected over time.
The orange ray relates to the animalistic nature of our being, hence we also find animal and also plant spirits on this level. The Animal realm (also known as the Tiryag-yoni realm) is based on strong mental states which heavily drives the actions of that being. When these heavily driven mind states and actions turn in to unhealthy compulsions which only serve the lower chakras and not the entire being, this creates an imbalance.
This can include various aspects of the psyche, but primarily relates to such things as addiction. Addictions are fed through compulsive behaviour to experience a certain emotion, regardless of whether that experience is harmful to others or the self.
As mentioned earlier, the orange ray/lower astral plane can be referred to as one’s own abode and the animalistic desire realm. A being located on this frequency range will be experiencing a self-projected ‘holographic’ representation of the animalistic desire, until they obtain the self control and consciousness to fully integrate that of which has been preventing them from an expansion of conciousness and moving upwards into the subsequent rays, which all represent various aspects of the psyche and eternal being.
This transmutation is of course not limited to just the astral plane. The astral plane could be likened to the negative imprint of the physical /3d plane. (negative in this sense is not relating to ‘good or bad’, but rather polarity)
And thus the issues which are being experienced there, are being experienced here as we can all see when we look at the world around us.
From my understanding and experience, and as explored in the Law of one material , the astral plane acts as a preliminary ‘healing chamber’ of which a being enters to receive the healing and self healing that is required to move on upwards.
With this potential insight, we can shine new light on what it is occurring on a planetary level. The polarity and duality of this density simply means that not all beings can experience higher realms of understanding and being at the same time, as constructed by the polarity.
Those that have been unable to have the external and internal resources necessary for personal and collective development [simultaneously on a practical,biological and 'spiritual' level] will still gain the experiences they need to consciously evolve as this is the expansive and contractive nature of all things.
David Willcocks** interpretations of the Law of One material suggests that after December 21st 2012, many beings will simply ‘hang out’ on the astral plane until they are able to move beyond it. This equates to a self healing process before rebirth.’The return to the womb’ as hinted in ancient Egyptian and Indian esoteric wisdom as well as the final ‘Coagulation***’ stage as refereed to in alchemy.
My experiences & intuition on the astral plane tell me that this is at the very least, partially correct.
In knowing this, I feel that many can be rest assured in knowing that the unfolding process is occurring exactly as it needs to. Both for the individual and the collective.
As the astral plane undergoes its healing and transmutation process, so to will it mirror the healing and alchemical transmutation process occurring on earth. The first role we can commit to and help with the process, is the healing of ourselves :]
” If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own Self-transformation” – Lao Tzu
* In ancient Egyptian times, this was the ‘Ka’ aspect of the soul:
** Law of One and 2012 – The Facts:
*** coagulation = The seventh and final operation of alchemy
I enjoyed it
Great article! Thank you!