Part of my instruction here on this beautiful planet was to learn how to fly and safely pilot a wonderful aircraft - the Cessna 150. I had the good fortune to be taught by a Navy Flight Trainer in Pensacola, Florida. Beyond what I needed to practice and learn for my single engine pilot's license, he also taught me how to come out of power off and power on stalls. Learning to manage and adjust the controls taught me much about directing life and providing information for others in the finer analysis of their healing.
Life is much like an airplane. It takes learning how perform a pre-flight for safety concerns, checking the gauges, insuring the level of gas, and although all of this preliminary work had been done by a mechanic, the pilot always rechecks all necessary components. It's not that the mechanic wasn't qualified, but from the pilot's final inspection just prior to take off, (s)he then is solely responsible for an enjoyable and safe flight from takeoff to landing.
Much of the problems of life for humans stem from their being no operations manual to learn about steerage at a young age. For instance, it would have been beneficial to learn how the mind and memory work, how it can be altered and how it should be maintained. A heart is another system. Until recently, only a couple of gauges to the heart have (in the Western world) been identified and monitored and those were blood pressure and pulse. The heart was only seen as a mechanical tool, yet now science has proven that the electricity of the heart is the prime energy of the body. It's like finally discovering that not the wings are responsible for the ability to fly an aircraft, but it's the engines power that creates all systems to work together.
Without the owners operating manual to life, human flight was put on auto-pilot. As a child experienced the idea, concept, emotion was placed in storage in a part of the mind. These stored memories became the auto-piloting of life. Although plentiful, most of the data which was stored was either ineffectual to a new experience or an original wish from the heart of being. The mind became accustomed to quickly searching, identifying and recalling either incorrect or simply similar data.... which usually didn't work because the human is a complex system, capable of unlimited thought and experience which has no similarity to a prior experience. So much for auto-piloting.
Ascension is about getting off auto-pilot. And its imternal computers are resistant to let all that stored information go.... after all, that data kept it alive to say the least. And for eons, although being on auto-pilot was somewhat safe, it also created frustrating drama and suppression from unique experience. That is why it is difficult to understand the concept of "every moment is brand new". But as an earth being released the stored auto-pilot data, (s)he gets closer and closer to living in the now moment.
Trim Tabs
Upon adjusting ailerons and other larger parts on the wings and tail of an aircraft, trimming the finer smaller sections create a smoother ride and eliminate the skin from being stressed. The use of trim tabs determines a great pilot from a good pilot. They are the way to fine tune the experience of flying.
As you are feeling now, things are happening and changing quickly - both internally and outwardly. What I wish to offer now is helping you become aware of your trim tabs and adjust them according to the direction of your personal flight plan.
Energies from the Pleiades yestereday awakened much in you. Some of this awakening created space so that you could direct your life into brand new experiences. At the same time this higher energy has also opened up the storage devices of your auto-pilot data. Keep in mind that all levels of life are in the process of change. Some lightworkers are experiencing their own old drama and conveying those details as truth. Much here today is not the kind of truth that will set you free to create your new ascension flight plan.
As an example, we have been used to the concept of lthe 7 chakra system fror a few decades here in the West. But now it is possible to identify and experience 12 and beyond. It is not that information on 7 chakras is wrong or bad, it's just not a complete picture. And one doesn't need to know that 12 are possible to experience, although expanding the imagination out to 12 is a conduit for ascension consciousness. Emotional and mental healing is a process, and many here are taking a step of the process and calling it truth, when in fact it's just a rung on the ladder and the climax of ascending. But humans still DO tend to create beliefs around the printed word which connects strongly to the habits of the auto-pilot.
So in order to both gain more understanding of your ascension experience and enhance your personal power, simply use your heart, the true engine of your human lifecraft to determine the accuracy and value of new or old data.
You can fly without "crashing and burning" in aviation terms. It takes discerning the abilities of the craft, its computerized data, the knowledge and experience of its pilot.