Truckers Shutdown DC Highways & Demand Obama Leaves Office (Video)

MomT's picture

RT America

Published on Oct 11, 2013

The government shutdown the World War II memorial, now truckers are shutting down America.

On October 1, the Obama administration closed the WWII memorial in DC, which was paid for with private funds to honor the country's most beloved veterans. One week later, the Administration allowed for an immigration reform rally to take place on the National Mall with hundreds of illegal immigrations in participation, just a few hundred feet away. The outrage caught national headlines and the National Park Service has since changed the wording on the signs around the memorial.

Ride for the Constitution has sent their drivers to clog traffic on DC interstates to bring awareness to their cause. They are demanding that President Obama leaves office and are upset with excessive regulation in the trucking industry that is jeopardizing their livelihood.

Twitter: PerianneDC

Ride for the Constitution has sent their drivers to clog traffic on DC interstates to bring awareness to their cause. They are demanding that President Obama leaves office and are upset with excessive regulation in the trucking industry that is jeopardizing their livelihood.

Twitter: PerianneDC

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get your facts right

Rick Mordecon's picture

Obama didn't shut down the government. the tea baggers in the House of Representatvies did. The president has NO power to shut down anything. That is Congresses responsibility. Don't spout crap that is false. it just leads to more lies. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!!!


We know that but that is what

MomT's picture

We know that but that is what most people think.  This is a video and the information contained here is what RT produced.  Thank you for bringing it to the forefront.

Surprised to hear some truth reported here!

mforus's picture

Your Tea party comments are not true and please stop with the names, if you bothered to read what actually happened instead of listening to bias news you would know that the house had approved payment of every single thing except for Obamacare which has nothing to do with healthcare in the first place and will stick a already hurting country in to a total depression with a debt we can not afford!! but then again, I guess you didn't read any of that either did ya? The other thing, is it affordable? Not on your life!! This is tyranny at its finest coming from your boy Obama and the elitist monsters pulling his purse strings, what's wrong with some of you?

Closing the Memorial for the WW2 Vets, holding back Vets healthcare and benefits, etc...etc...etc... really are you guys kidding. Obama has been attacking the people of this country for 5 years but I guess your ok with that because you get your news from the mismedia! That bill has everything to do with absolute and total control, loss of what's left of our rights and destruction of the moral compass!

I look forward to impeachment proceedings!