EDEN Evolve Your Soul
The following is wisdom I received during meditation from one of my Guides as I asked about Trust, a word I keep hearing during these changing times. I’m sure like many people, I’ve been trying to trust all of the changes I’ve been feeling as we move through 2012. Following this conversation I had a deep but extremely expansive feeling in my heart I could not explain, as if I could truly for the first time in my life feel my connection to everything. I encourage you to read this from a place of the heart. Allow your energy body, your highest self, to integrate this simple but beautiful teaching. I believe it contains powerful activations for your heart space — or as my Guide states, our true center point for creation.
Me: I keep hearing to “trust” my path, to “trust” what’s next. How can we trust when it seems trust is based in physical reality (meaning I want validation in physical reality, not just in non-physical reality)?
Guide: Is it Trust in which you seek clarity?
Me: Yes, please proceed.
You have a limited concept of Trust which is currently tied to your physical 3rd-dimensional (3D) reality.
This limited concept frees you from having to truly manage your thoughts, emotions, and manifestations.
Me: But what if trust can not be felt, seen, or heard as we (in human form) know it to be?
Trust is a matter of separating Faith from Belief.
Faith is what you know as Trust in the unseen.
Belief is what you know to be true, but based on your limited experiences of what you believe exists around you.
The trust you seek is indeed not based in the 3D reality you relate to as your method of existence.
Reality, as you well know and are learning, is but a part of a microcosm of the greater macrocosm.
It is the ethereal and the nonphysical joined together that create the world you perceive as Truth.
Trust is having Faith, but it goes beyond the mere shadows of what you understand as Truth.
Me: So what does it matter, Faith vs Belief?
For centuries, humanity has looked for belief to create certainty.
That certainty can be debated since each person’s belief in their Truth varies based on his or her own unique experiences in their life.
Their truth is based on their own limited consciousness of what they think is real.
So you see, Trust has very little to do with Belief, since Belief always changes.
What humans believe one day they do not believe the next, as their experiences shift and change.
Trust is a consistent stream of energy through all doubt and non-doubt into the higher realms of existence that permeates all realms of thought.
This realm of thought transcends the outer most limits of the human mind.
The human mind can only contain a small fragment of what is conceivable in the known Universe.
Indeed, your idea of what is possible, what is Truth, is far inferior to what is truly Truth.
And yet it has served the planet well – and not so well – during the last few thousand years.
What is indicated as Truth has been fought over, war’d over, cried over, spilt blood over.
This has not been Faith, but a belief in one’s own version of Truth.
So you see, it is BELIEF that has indeed been fought over — not Faith.
If humanity truly had Faith, there would not be wars — there would only be peace.
Faith would be the Trust in the unseen that is common to all people, all Beings, all realms.
Me: Please expand what you mean. How are faith & trust related?
Trust is knowing you are a divine being with a common Soul purpose. That is, to love and experience the oneness of your Being.
That oneness can not come through Belief in a limited version of Truth.
Do you understand?
Me: Please explain more, thank you.
In Faith there is only Truth, as the Creator or Source (God) energy sees it. This same energy flows through all divine beings, humanity included.
So each individual expression of that Truth would resonate in the form of Faith, or Trust.
So although someone may claim it is their Faith that has them knowing the Truth of your world, it is indeed BELIEF that is driving them.
True faith and trust in the Divine comes not from the separation of Belief, but from the unity of Faith.
Me: So how do I trust more when I feel lost, frustrated, or anxious?
You must always turn within.
By turning within it aids in the dissolution of Belief based upon fear, prejudice, and black magic that has been cast upon your society.
It has been chilling to witness the grand mistruths cast upon humanity.
It is not just by those in power in the 3D realm, but far beyond the scope of your understanding at this time.
That is indeed changing and the time for mistruths is ending.
Me: How? When?
There is no set time.
While your prophecies have dictated an end in 2012, there will be continued remnants that will pervade society as it cleanses itself from the evils and untruths that have pervaded.
These evils that once were know the time is near.
Me: So can you tell me more about Trust vs Faith vs Belief?
When we say to you to TRUST, as you have been told repeatedly… (Me: YES! You keep telling me to trust and I struggle with that) — You are struggling because you are basing your concept of trust not in the unseen but the seen.
You are requiring validation based on untruths or half truths that you believe are creating your world around you.
When we ask you to Trust it is not for the sake of Belief in a higher entity that is controlling or manipulating the world as you know it, but rather the Trust in your own soul’s journey in the divine form it is taking.
Me: I’m still unclear, can you clarify further?
Trust is a matter of recognizing that what you believe to be true may not be so.
If you can understand that your limited version of reality is hindering your ability to truly be free — free from the constraints of time, free from the constraints of physical life, free from what you believe is your cycle of life and death — than you can come to understand that there is far greater wisdom for you to attain.
Me: Yes! I do agree and understand this concept.
Good. Then you will also understand that Trust is not something you can quantify in your 3D reality? That by its very nature is tainted?
Me: I understand, yes.
Good. Then when we say Trust, what we are referring to is the inner wisdom that does not change because is has no connection to the untruthful world that defines your reality.
Me: I think I’m beginning to understand. So trust is connected to REAL Truth? And THAT Truth can only be access from within? How?
You are understanding this concept more deeply. For this we are happy.
Yes dear one, Truth from the inner sanctum — the realm you define as your inner heart — is magnetically opposed to untruth.
Me: How? Can you explain to me the functioning of the Soul vs Heart vs this inner realm from a physical & energetic level (and beyond)?
You understand the heart is a center point of magnetic energy in your Being, yes?
Me: Yes, I believe so. But please explain further so I can understand. What does “magnetic energy” truly mean?
Your physical heart is made of up a series of chambers.
One chamber laying within the other, but also side by side.
On a physical level, these chambers allow for the flow of fluid (blood, oxygen and so forth) to and from your other organs.
You understand this, yes?
Me: Yes indeed I do.
What you refer to as the energetic component of the heart has much more to do with the Soul’s journey than you can currently define.
Me: How?
The heart was placed within the body to act as a center point for magnetic energy.
Me: What is magnetic energy?
Magnetic energy is simply the flow of divine love as it enters and exists the body.
It is the source of all enlightment, the concept of like-attracts-like.
As your thoughts manifest, so too does your reality.
This center point is provided as a creation point to all other points in the known universe.
On a grander scale, you are your heart because you cannot exist without it.
Not just physically, but etherically.
Me: So our hearts exists beyond the physical and remain with us through ascension and beyond?
Yes indeed they do.
They may cease to exist at the physical level or structure you understand them — as an organ of tissue and cells — but the etheric heart continues indefinitely.
It is a point in which Source or Divine energy flows through one’s Being.
So you see, if you are not your heart then you are nothing.
For nothing can exist in this Universe without a creation point. And that creation point lies within both the physical and etheric heart.
Me: So when we send or receive love, and connect our hearts with another — how does that relate to what you are telling me about the heart existing indefinitely?
You are beginning to see how soul partnerships are formed.
What you define as “Soul mates” or people part of your “Soul family” are but groups of individual souls who have indeed melded consciousness through a union within their Heart center — on the etheric planes of reality.
They have not yet joined physical hearts, as that secondary aspect happens on the physical realm in which you exist.
That is why humans can often feel another’s heart – or yearn for their love (originating in the heart space) before even connecting in the physical sense.
Their heart energy, their point of creation, has already united in other realms.
Me: I believe I understand. Basically, our hearts continue to exist and are a center point for energy that flows in and out of us, because in ascension we are only pure love? So we are only really this heart center?
This is the part of the truth, yes.
There are may aspects to your Being as a conscious galactic force beyond the physical aspect of Self.
This you will come to know in time.
Me: So how do we best work with our hearts – physically and magnetically – in this realm as humans? And please explain MAGNETICS more if you will…?
Everything in the universe is energy, yes? Yes.
So if everything is energy, there is a natural fluid quality to this energy that can transcend all beings. Understood? Yes.
Me: So what is energy exactly? I think I know the human explanation, but what is the higher Truth of what energy is?
Energy is simply manifested forms of Source (God).
It is a greater consciousness that enables each individual expression to come forth.
So you see child, energy is nothing but fluid thought from Source.
Me: I think I understand — so what are magnetics?
Magnetics is the attraction of these fluid energies to come together to manifest in form to create an outcome.
Thoughts are in essence magnetic energy.
They attract and repel that which they desire to create.
The heart is a central fusion point of all magnetic energy.
The truest desires of the heart are projected in to the ethereal realm of consciousness, which is then magnified by the collective thoughts (magnetic energy of your realm) and reflected back to you, which creates the basis that you call TRUTH.
So you see, Truth and Faith have little to do with each other as each is a unique concept on manifestation of thought.
What manifests as your Truth is simply the magnetics (like attracts like) of your projected reality.
What you believe manifests.
That is the simple answer you seek.
The issue with Faith – or Trust – is that Trust requires you transcend the magnetics of your heart to the original creation point of pure thought.
It is the point in which you acquired your ability of thought before the version of reality was reflected back to you in the form it is now.
So do you see, dear child, how twisted Trust is?
Trust is often based on the mis-guided magnetics of your heart that created your reality.
You are asking to Trust in a life or 3D world that indeed does not exist outside of the collective consciousness of magnetic manifestation, one that is highly tainted by forces that have sought to keep humanity in darkness.
So trust not in the magnetics of opposed thought (polarity), but rather in the Truth of your original point of creation.
Me: How?
You can do this by returning to the inner space of the heart.
There is a reason this inner point, the concept of the sacred space of the heart, has being given to you.
It is the sacred point of origination by which all things manifest — prior to untruths.
Me: How can we quickly and always return to this original creation point of Truth, the inner space of our heart?
There is an access point in the inner most layer of your heart that defines who you truly are.
Its the golden key that unlocks the mystery to your Being – before it was shrouded in the untruths you came to see as Truth.
There is much wisdom that lays in the inner realm of the heart, as this is the one and only true access point to your original Truth as you know it.
So do you see?
Trust may only come after connecting with this inner most space as there in that space there is no polarity, no untruths.
You are indeed correct by believing it is this inner place where Truth resides.
It is only from here that wisdom can be Trusted — where you can behold your Trust — because that is the true creation point of life.
Me: I believe I understand better now, thank you. Any final messages?
There are many changes befalling your planet at this time, many of which do indeed affect our ability to connect with you in a such a way you are able to hear us closely. This too will pass in time.
Remember to return to the inner space of TRUST and you will know what is Truth or untruth.
Even in the expanded form of your knowing, here remains untruths you hold on to based on old patterns.
Release these dear one.
Go to the inner space each morning, each evening, and listen.
We will be there to guide you, and all of humanity, for it is here through this central creation point, that we are indeed connected to you.
Our hearts indeed beat as one because it is through here they are one.
All creation points originate in the true Source of All That Is, and thus it is here you can always hear us.
Me: Thank you for your patience while I integrate this new and deeper understanding.
Very well dear one.
We will enhance your wisdom in this area to aid in your journey to enlightenment.
It is not a path to take lightly, as you will find it requires maintenance of the etheric realms of your being.
Me: How?
By maintaining a frequency of light that nourishes the completion of the Soul’s journey.
This nourishment must come from deep within this creation point we have discussed.
This maintenance and nourishment means remaining true to your heart’s desire.
The truest intentions of your heart are the ones you will indeed find in this inner realm, the one that is tied to Source.
That is all for tonight dear one.
Me: Thank you, it is with gratitude that I have received this wisdom to share with others. I will come to a deeper understanding of this Truth and Trust from my own centerpoint of creation.
Blessings to you.
Thank You Eden Clark:http://www.edenclark.com
This message was awesome,
This message was awesome, thank you so much for sharing! It hit home especially because it re-affirmed what I have been trying to solidify in myself as well. Beliefs vs trust. Again, thank you for sharing this timely message!