Tune in to “Secrecy: How and Why It Is Maintained” with Commander Will Miller

OdiStar's picture


Published February 5, 2013 | By siteadmin

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer



Friday February 8, 2013

11am pacific/2 pm eastern – 6 pm pacific/9 pm eastern

Dr. Steven Greer and Commander Will Miller, US Navy retired

Click Here To Listen


Secrecy: How and Why it is maintained

Commander Miller has worked with Dr. Greer for over two decades setting up sensitive meetings at the Pentagon and elsewhere and advising on how secret projects  (USAPs – Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) are set up structurally to maintain secrecy.  He will discuss  the pros and cons of that system.  Their conversation will be an amazing insight into how the information about UFOs and the New Energy technology is controlled.  This knowledge is not speculation but from someone who has been on the inside.   You don’t want to miss the first of a 2 part series to goes into depth on this issue.

Dr. Greer feels this is one of the most important interviews he has ever done! You really want to listen to this one.

Tune in at: http://www.worldpuja.org/conversations.php

Here is: 

'SIRIUS' Movie!!! - FULL TRAILER - Spring 2013






BelindaLove's picture

FYI, I just checked this out. You have to sign up & videos are available for 24 hours only if you choose free membership. The unfortunate thing is that the 24 hours only includes the 24 hour time frame of the actual airing of the show. If you want to check it out later, you have to pay $4/month,$48/year. Did not see if the $4/month gave you less access than $48/year if you just want to pay one time or not.