Twelve Insight Journal ~Connection With Source Is The Plan For Achievement

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Larry Larson

LarryLarsonQ: What do the Twelve think about our holiday rituals and their significance on the larger scale?

Well it all depends upon what you are trying to create and that all depends upon what you are trying to feel. If you are attempting to make joyous contact with the Source of All in the present moment you are on the right track and you will benefit greatly from making that your daily ritual. A ritual is just a belief that you reenact over and over again. And to the extent that your personal rituals benefit you and enable you to make Source connection they serve you. To the extent they do not serve you, you should let them go. Attempting to maintain some action or some belief just because it seems like you ought to or because there is social pressure to do so, even though it feels bad, is going to manifest something equally unpleasant in time.

But if you are feeling disconnected from your holidays…Christmas or your birthday or anniversaries, it is you who is disconnected, you see. It’s not something that everyone else needs to heal—it is something you must heal within yourself. It’s your job to find the positive aspects and celebrate those in the present moment. You cannot recreate good old times unless you put the good in them. It’s your job to make those events celebratory and meaningful. And the beauty of it is you get to select the meaning.

So consciously select the meaning that you want to infuse into your holidays. Holiday spirit comes from within you, not without. Don’t worry about what the others are up to…the shopping frenzies, (unless you enjoy frenzies!). There are endless ways for you to use this seasonal ritual, and your personal daily rituals to uplift yourself.

You are loved and blessed upon your journey.
~ Twelve / link to original article
